is my plan a good idea??

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young spartan

New Member
well im a noob!!this will be my first costume and i was wondering what people thought of my idea of make the costume....well first im going to build the helmet around the going to use cardboard the papermache to add detail.i was then going to coat it with fiber glass resin.the sandit down,i might put a layer of plasti dip and then paint.i know its proably a bad idea bit i am only 14 so its not gonna be as amazing as others!just tell me what you think of the plan
I am a fellow noob at building armor you would say, and as a beginner it would be your best bet to use cardstock, and in my personal opinion start with the top of the helmet and work your way down, for me it was just easier that way, but thats just my opinion.

in other words dont start on too difficult a task, start easier with simple materials, either way your gonna have good armor
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