Mark VI Scout (First build)

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Welp, here's an update, as I got my camera working, finally! And a lotta pics, just so you know!

The fully pepped codpiece! It's a tad large, but not overly so!

The fully resinned codpiece! There's a bit of warpage on the right, but it'll be easy to cover up

Started rondoing the left forearm, bicep and shin. I'm going to finish that off tomorrow!

(effectively) finished my left shoulder!

Stage one: that metallic sheen is so COOL

Finished. I'm not too happy with it, I think it needs to be a tad more... grittier. I'm going to go over it later and see what I can change. Also, too many of the silver streaks are going in the same direction, thanks to my natural painting motion. I used the toothpaste method for the large areas and attempted drybrushing for the scratches.

Lastly, I just finished pepping the back two pieces of the three piece boot. These are the boots I bought for the costume ($20 from the army surplus store):

I also bought a cheap full-length balaclava to cover my neck.

I know the shoulder isn't too flash, but I really had other stuff to do and this was really a test for the techniques. I may redo it at a later stage, but we'll see. It seemed to me that the brush I was using didn't so much scratch as it did paint <_< What kind of brushes do you guys normally use?
yes. at least you did the test on the shoulder. most people do the helm or chest first and completely fork it up (like me) and you give up hope, but i think that it looks great. to make it more grittier try using a similar colour tan, but a bit darker, and darken some of the ares. also maybe darken the metal in places like its worn a bit.
Nice job man! Yeah, I agree with 0235 on the weathering part. The best thing to use for that is a mixture of 1 part black craft paint (acrylic) and 1 part windshield washer fluid in a spray bottle. Shake it up really good for a good consistent shade. Spray the parts before it completely dries, then get some paper towels and dab the wet spots leaving random patterns. This should give it that battle worn look with dirt and grime.
Thanks for the input guys! Yeah, I covered it in black acrylic paint and wiped it off, but it seemed to smear, so I dabbed the paper towels in methylated spirits and that made it come off a bit TOO well. I'll give the windshield washer fluid a go later today :)
Welp, here's a pic of the fully pepped boot:

IMO it fits rather nicely, but what I'm wondering about is what you do with the bottom of it. Won't it break from being stepped on all day?

I resinned these today, and finished the rondoing of the forearm and started sanding it. I officially LOVE wet sanding, it has got to be one of THE best inventions ever!
Updates soon, but I'm currently running far too low on resin and bondo, so I need to grab some of that.
Well, I didn't get much today due to being out, but I did get my new thigh pepped.

PRoblem is, it appears to be a tad large:
Yeah, just a tad <_<

And here's it next to my original thigh piece, which is too small:

So, anyone think I should keep this one, or should I sit through another movie to make a slightly smaller one? Trouble is I've lent all my Star Wars movies to a kid from church, 'cos he hasn't watched them yet :\
It look good but it look seem too big

Yeah, that's what he said... :)

PRoblem is, it appears to be a tad large:
Yeah, just a tad <_<
So, anyone think I should keep this one, or should I sit through another movie to make a slightly smaller one? Trouble is I've lent all my Star Wars movies to a kid from church, 'cos he hasn't watched them yet :\

I'd make a new one. Armour that is too big usually looks... less than perfect. You can switch to Star Trek though, parts one to three are really boring, so that shouldn't divert your attention too much :)
You can switch to Star Trek though, parts one to three are really boring, so that shouldn't divert your attention too much :)

I don't actually think we own any Star TRek O:

But, my sister has all ten seasons of Stagate SG-1, so I should be set :D

I'll print out a smaller version now and get pepping tomorrow, though I'm out once more <_<
I don't actually think we own any Star TRek O:

Not cool. You can't just not own Star Trek. I'd understand if you hadn't bought Star Trek 11 yet because you're waiting for the three-disc special edition Blu-Ray with duranium casing. But not having a single one? Totally not cool :)

Not cool. You can't just not own Star Trek. I'd understand if you hadn't bought Star Trek 11 yet because you're waiting for the three-disc special edition Blu-Ray with duranium casing. But not having a single one? Totally not cool :)


I apologise! It's just that I've always been primarily a Star Wars nerd, so Star Trek always came second! ANd my sister got into Star-gate earlier in the year so decided to just buy it all!

Please forgive meee D:
Dude you going to love Stargate, I have and i have seen all 10 seasons. Works really good while your working, only prob is its very distracting. I have all the Star Wars and Star Trek movies. But i cant watch em while im working on my armor. It would never get done lol. Anywho keep up the good work dude, cant wait to see more pics :)
i think its gonna turn out great

Thanks man, I sure hope so!

I have the second shoulder pepped, but I rushed it a tad and it's out of line, so I'm going to have to watch it carefully when I resin it. I've almost finished resinning the second forearm, and I've finished resinning the left boot!

I doubt I'm going to get much done for a while, as I'm leaving for a four week holiday in Queensland tomorrow. I'll see hwhat I can get done, but I'm going to be doing other things as well (Such as packing and cleaning). I'll post a pic of my total progress before I leave tomorrow :)
Well guys, here's my final update for the next four weeks. I leave for Brisbane tonight and won't bw back until the 14th of Janurary. I think I've done rather well in my first two months of work, and I'm rather happy with the progress so far.

Firstly, my third (and hopefully final) thigh. As you can see from the pictures below, it's pretty much the median between my first two, and it fits rather well. I'll see about rubbing and whatnot once it's rondo'd.

And, of course, here's the picture of my entire progress so far:

Take note that the helmet's going to be rebuilt, a little smaller, and with a HD model. The left shoulder is completed (top right corner) and the left forearm is almost done (needs some rondo in certain areas and then more sanding.

Note: make sure layers of rondo meet smoothly, and don't 'step.'

It's been a great few months for me here, learning and passing on my (limited) knowledge to others. I look forward to returning in the new year and continuing my project!

Have a merry christmas everyone, and God bless!
Afternoon fellow 405th'ers! It would appear that I have returned from my adventures far in the eastern lands, and shall be immeidately resuming work on my beloved armour.

I've actually been back since thursday, but havn't had a chance to drop by (recently bough Fallout: New Vegas, and got given Firefly for christmas <3), but I HAVE been making some progress. I printed out a HD Scout Helmet (the one with supports in place of a visor) and have been cutting out pieces during my spare time. I've only got 6 or so of the 24 pages left, and will begin gluing as soon as I have completed stage one.

Some of you saw my initial LD attempt at this helmet, and it was plainly obvious at just how... well, terrible it looked.

I'm going to have to do some extensive cleaning in the shed (it's so DUSTY after being left alone for a month), not to mention all the other odd jobs my parents have me running, so progress shall be a little slow.

And of course there's all the parties I need to go to before school (and year 12) start mattering :p

Hopefully I'll have pics of the helmet by the end of the week. Until then, this is Swift out!
Well, I finished the pep for my HD Helmet, and here's some pictures of it so far:
The support struts didn't fit too well, as you can see. I may add more pieces into the visor.

As you may be able to see, there was a bit of rushing at the end (when I was half asleep) which caused some alignment issues, but I'm sure I can fix that up later (heard THAT before <_<)

I found it pretty cool that I managed to pep a HD model in 2/3 of the time it took me to pep my first LD model.

Once I get around to cleaning out the shed I'll begin the resinning process, and more updates shall arrive!

Also, dad recently bought a mouse sander, which means sanding for me is going to be a helluva lot easier!
awesome! If you don't mind me asking, what's your pepping method? For your first build it's really clean. What I mean is, do you use scissors or a knife, and how do you fold it? With a ruler? I usually go over the fold lines with 2 different colored pens and fold along the crease. But I don't know if this helps or if there is a better way...
Thanks! :D
Because I don't have to pay for the ink (yay parents!) I make the Mountain folds Brown and the Valley folds Green, using options within pepakura itself.I used a ruler and an Xacto knife to cut the pieces out, and use the back of the Xacto to crease the fold lines.

I also make sure the line weight is at 6, rather then the normal, lower setting.

I had a problem with this helmet (NZ-TKs HD if I remember currently) as the numbers are designed to be on the INSIDE. Fortunately, I could simply turn the valleys into mountains (and vice versa), and it all fitted together quite nicely :D

My method saves time, but costs a bit more.
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