Monster Hunter World: Odogaron armour build

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We've already been messing with it. The color only changes some cloth straps so we opted for a contrasting green so you can easily see what is color locked. The default was black.

Here's the link for my screenshots. I can try to crop them tomorrow when I'm at a PC. I probably took 20 shots. They may take awhile to show up in that feed though.
PerniciousDuke's Xbox screenshots on

If you want other shots or colors just let me know. The close up of individual pieces is almost impossible. The camera centers on the upper body and does not take to zooming very well.
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I don't have the steadiest of hands myself. Luckily for me with this armour shaky lines are a good thing. Don't have to worry about super straight line work.

Not much of a build update but I have decided on what weapon to build to go with my armour.
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I present the Divine Slasher. This photo is from the Monster Hunter Cafe in Japan. If that replica is to scale then this beast is about 10 feet in length. Don't think that is gonna fly for me. I am gonna scale it down to about 7ft. It should look a little better to my 5'8" size.
wow... I just... wh-...

YOU MONSTER!!! (Hunter)...
So.... I have a Mac that is about 9 years old and a bootleg version of Photoshop CS4. I tried to make a template by tracing over the image of the Slasher that I previously posted.
I used the pen tool to make some paths... Unfortunately when I stroke the path the lines that it makes are pixilated.
Also trying to scale it to full size didn't turn out very well.
Now iff I had Illustrator this would be different story...
I wanted to see how it would look when I printed it. Another problem... My Mac is too old and not compatible with the printer I currently have.
Looks like I'll have to do this the old fashioned way and freehand a template.
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Maybe try Inkscape?

I'm more of an MS Paint guy myself, but I was recently shown how to bitmap my MS paint lines in Inkscape so they become beautiful non pixelated lines. Long story short, if you can do a black and white pixely trace I can help you convert it for scaling.

Can you post the file you've already done and maybe we can try it out?
PerniciousDuke, I'll check out inkscape when I get the chance. Also will upload the trace that I have when I get home.

Update news: photo dump! Started on the body armour over the weekend. Wrapped up my dummy with plastic wrap and duct tape and drew out a pattern for the base of the armour.
20190112_151320.jpg 20190112_152526.jpg
Then transfered the pattern to foam and assembled the base of the armour.
20190112_220247.jpg 20190112_220232.jpg
I felt that something was way off with the look. After spending 30 min looking a reference photos I realised that I had the armour follow the lines of my ribs and that made it come down too far. So I trimmed off about 1 to 2 inches.
20190112_233612.jpg 20190112_233624.jpg
After that came some patterns for the fancy swirls.
20190113_003233.jpg 20190113_003243.jpg
And then traced and cut the front.
It does look really good. That's one reason I like to start with the further away things. By the time you get to the focal point you've perfected the style. The front is still very good too.
Here is tonight's efforts.
I started on the shoulders.
I have for you the start of the shoulders.
I have both the shoulder/neck guard and the upper arm part... Would they be referred to as pauldrons?

One problem about making a suit of armour without templates is that the ones you do make... Can be way off, over sized or just plain ugly. I didn't take a before pic but what you see above is after I fixed all of these completed parts.
This lovely pile of scraps below...

Are all the foam I had to trim off... Yeesh.. At least I was able to salvage the parts I assembled. Would really suck to waste all that foam.
I have both the shoulder/neck guard and the upper arm part... Would they be referred to as pauldrons?

Pauldrons and spaulders are kind of interchangeable in fantasy settings since the only difference is era that they were used in and pauldrons being slightly larger covering more of the armpit.
Not much progress in the last few days.
I trimmed the shoulders a little bit. The lines dint look right.

The one olthe left is the trimmed and the right is how it was before.
I also started on the armgard.

Big thanks goes out to PerniciousDuke. He was ever so kind and helpful enough to take my terrible Divine Slasher template and make one that is much better and scale it to a 7 ft. length.
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