My EVA Helmet

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Hello, I am new to this forum and upon searching and reading up on the construction of the armor, I wasn't sure if it possible to use Bristol board/paper, in the place of card stock? If anyone knows if it will work just as well, I'd appreciate it. And about what size paper is best for printing the templates on?
Doesn't really matter what size paper you print it on if you scale it correctly. As far as Bristol board goes, remember that you're going to be folding it, so you probably don't want something that difficult to work with.
I just recently started work on a pep EVA helm and just finished putting the helmet part together. I decided to post my progress.
Any comments are appreciated.
Quadraxis said:
I just recently started work on a pep EVA helm and just finished putting the helmet part together. I decided to post my progress.
Any comments are appreciated.
looks really nice. i love EVA, its awsome. keep ur posted with pictures, im interested how the virsor will turn out
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the visor is so huge wher are u going to find 1 like that

only way i see is glueing a few together or use a coke bottle as visor
Silverzippo93 said:
What glue are you using?
Its rubber cement, i don't realy have access to a hotglue gun. Just not sure how well it will hold with resin.
As for the visor i was thinking maybe use the pep visor then possiblly cut out parts to put maybe 2-4 visors in. Seems to be the best choice since an astronaut's UV visor is very costful.
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The only ways I could see the EVA visor done are this:

1) Bend Plexi yourself (which is not easy).
2) Have it custom ben tby a professional shop.
3) Cast it and use a clear resin.

Although none of these methods solve the problem of the color, as using window tint to cover an area that round is basically impossible (with the curve and bumps, etc...). I also don't know of any translucent paints that are reflective besides candy paints for automobiles (which is also expensive, and would need to be sprayed from a gun).
I'd add the paper visor for support, then resin/fiberglass then go to a plastics shop and ask if they can make a clear or gold tinted visor for you, It would probably be really expensive because it being custom and it being so big.
Ok I have made some progress from my last post here are some pictures. The only thing to me is that it seems like it might be too big but I am not sure how much room i should have around my head in one of these pep helms.
It looks nice, but good luck finding a visor that will fit it.

Also, compared to my helmet, it looks a tad big.
Yea I am not really sure about the scaling for the helmets so I just went with a 28cm size I was thinking either a 26 or 27 might work best, I hope.
It was so weird... I realized that you are holding it out with your hand, and not that you have a freakishly skinny neck... not that having a skinny neck makes you a freak... but... but no kidding on finding a visor that shape....

Do you have a plan of attack for that visor?
Spase said:
It was so weird... I realized that you are holding it out with your hand, and not that you have a freakishly skinny neck... not that having a skinny neck makes you a freak... but... but no kidding on finding a visor that shape....

Do you have a plan of attack for that visor?

Actually yes i did have one, still expensive but it should work. I would use the pep visor for the top and maybe the bottom and put 2-4 visors in the middle and paint the pep a closematching color.
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Quadraxis said:
Actually yes i did have one, still expensive but it should work. I would use the pep visor for the top and maybe the bottom and put 2-4 visors in the middle and paint the pep a closematching color.

If you can manage to pull of having only a partial visor and the rest looking the same, you're godly.
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Lhk97 said:
Also, compared to my helmet, it looks a tad big.
To solve that problem instead of reprinting, cutting, and glueing couldn't i possiblly add more fiberglass on the inside and sand it down to make it smaller, aside from adding the padding inside to keep it inplace on my head? Plus putting it on is a slight squeze.
*EDIT* I've decided to start over with a smaller scaled helmet, it should be a better fit this time.
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looks awesome, seriously if you can pull this off it'll be great. since i want to see it done so badly ill contribute an idea...

for the visor i would say you should do the helm with the paper visor attached, resin the whole thing. then cut the visor out with some sharp sewing scissors, make sure it holds its shape. then make a mold ofthe inside of the visor and have someone pull you copies out of clear vacuformed plastic. use 2 copies, to get the double visor effect. with the visor in two peices you could easily get gold window tint on it. just tint both peices and tape them together.
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