My First Mark Vi Armor W.i.p.

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'Sup guys!
I'm back! I got a lot more fiberglassing done and I'm getting really excited for the rest of the suit to be finished.
So far, I fiberglassed the second gauntlet, both shoulders, and the helmet. I need to glue in popsicle sticks in the bicep parts of the shoulders because they are starting to fold in on themselves. I can't have them dry that way or I'll have to pep them all over again.

As for the chest piece, I got a bottle of expanding foam and sprayed the back of the chest piece in places where my hand couldn't fit very well. My dad also sprayed some foam in the sides and a little in the front. He told me that when I need to cut the chest piece in half, the chest won't vibrate as much and will keep the cut straight.
I know the spray job looks a little messy, but when it fully sets, I'll chop it down so it's not in the way.


Also, my friend's marine helmet is finished being pepped and I gave it a layer of resin today. I forgot to take a picture of it so you guys won't be able to see it. It might be a little big for my friend, but I'll just put some padding in it so it fits better.

My plan for tomorrow is to shave down the excess foam, put a second coat of resin on the helmet (if the first layer cures by then... <_<), and finish fiberglassing the rest of my suit (Thighs, shins, and COD). I don't know how much I'll get done for sure... The weather might change everything I have planned. Just now I had to run outside and save my pieces from the beginnings of a rain shower (THAT was effing scary!). And it all deoends on homework from school.
I don't expect everything to be fully cured or dried for a week or more. I don't see any warm temperatures till next summer (Oregon weather SUCKS for this kind of thing!)

Thanks you guys for following my thread.
Comments and Critique gratefully accepted.
Saber Out

damn, it looks like the flood just found a way to get through spartan armour xDD
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