my first pep helm (new pics on page 5)

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i think the fans are 80mm, and run on anywhere from 5-12v, i suppose i could use a potentiometer then i could controll the speed... and i also wouldent have to worry about getting the right resistor then... does anyone know if a pot can be used in place of a switch/resistor?
well i have pics on the earlier pages of how i did it am i am probably going to put it in the back since the switch is there
ssor, I think I'm gonna remake my helmet just so there where be a little bit more room for after I fiberglass...
Yea... Now I'll have to get more paper... -.-... Maybe I should keep this one as a test one... Then sell it on Ebay... :p

Starting bid... $20.00... LOL
Yea I like his... Of course I didn't do mine yet... :p... I have to go to Driver's Ed and then a Wedding today... Maybe I'll work on one on the way down or Up... Whatever... :p... Maybe a calf... :p
i already glassed the inside look at the earlier pics

EDIT:$k as you can see i have painted my helm metallic silver but should i do like a black hue or a red hue or something throw me your ideas(sorry about the dealy of pics it will be like 2 mins)
ok as you can see i have painted my helm metallic silver but should i do like a black hue or a red hue or something throw me your ideas(sorry about the dealy of pics it will be like 2 mins)
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