My First Project: Mkvi Helm

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New Member
Used DanniFood4Less's Smooth MKVI model and had no problems cutting or creating the helmet.

The helmets structure is all complete and crafted out of paper but im waiting for a friend of mine to complete his helmet before we start to fiberglass it.

I had a few questions about the process of measurement for a visor and how people manage to secure it to the helmet.

I plan on adding lighting to it, as well as possible breathable mesh in certain areas of the helmet for ventilation purposes as well as a fan on either the rear of the helmet, mouthpiece, or maybe dual fans on the right/ left portion?

Since its my first project as well and im entirely new to the idea of fiberglassing or customizing a pepakura to such extent, I wanted to take suggestions and wisdom from other users on the forum to best decide what path I should take in completing my helmet!

Pics taken with my crappy phone cam. Have progress pictures but don't want to spam an entire page of things everyones seen, haha.

21 hours total to complete this, didn't deduct the time when I got bored or started yelling/ other things.


thanks, its not my first papercraft at all so I knew what to do/ etc. My very first papercraft was a more "advanced" one as well, I just have a lot of patience for these kind of things I guess :X, theres a few sections of my helmet that I "touched up" a bit because it looked a little odd to me, but nothing like a giant gaping hole or mis-shaped piece sticks out anywhere, im really happy with the overall outcome of the helmet : )
About over a month late of an update but I began fiberglassing sometime last week and heres the current outcome:


I still have no idea what color im going to paint the helmet or actually how i'm going to attach the visor, i'll have to look deeper into the forums I suppose. I THINK I might use some sort of rubber cement or something along those lines as well as some special tape to hold it in before padding, but i'd rather see what others did first and get some ideas from it.

I thank everyone at this site who helped inspire me to do this project and can't wait for the final results!
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