my future job

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thats right i want to work with bungie but one thing wat qualifacions do i need remember im irish so its different from wat bungie put in there adverts :p
What kind of job do you want to apply?

You also need to be an adult :D

I think they are asking for 5 years experience minimum.
LastSpartan said:
What kind of job do you want to apply?

You also need to be an adult :D

I think they are asking for 5 years experience minimum.
i know i have to move

and i know to be an adult is a necessity and 5 years i can get that wat i need i what degrees and stuff
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ImaGonnaGetYou said:
You'll need to move to Washington State, for starters...

yay ima work there cuz i live in Washinton!
in like, 9 or 8 years XP cuz im like 14
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korekillerking said:
i read the other post bungie read our topics so im waiting for an answer
Cmon do you really think they will write your name on a piece of paper for in 5 years and you don,t even know what job you want to do? This is purely useless and as NZ-TK pointed, we should respect them, not make threads like this to draw their attention.

Hope you understand.
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LastSpartan said:
Cmon do you really think they will write your name on a piece of paper for in 5 years and you don,t even know what job you want to do? This is purely useless and as NZ-TK pointed, we should respect them, not make threads like this to draw their attention.

Hope you understand.

Quoted for Truth.
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korekillerking said:
i read the other post bungie read our topics so im waiting for an answer

Have you not ALSO read all the stuff about how if you make threads directed at the bungie members the thread will get locked and your account suspended???

NZ-TK said:
I'd just like to point out, anyone starting threads, specifically trying to get bungie to give them recon, garner their attention, (that means no "Hey Shishka/Frankie look at me!" threads) or purposefully trying to bother them with PMs on the subject will have their thread locked and their accounts warned or suspended. While I'm sure many people are excited about having them here, any bungie staff are special guests, and should be treated with the respect they deserve. I expect all users to behave with dignity and common sense. Belakor didn't make his armour with the goal of getting recon and neither should you.
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Xavier said:
Have you not ALSO read all the stuff about how if you make threads directed at the bungie members the thread will get locked and your account suspended???

But...doesn't that talk about Recon?

This guy is talking about his future :)lol: )
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korekillerking said:
i read the other post bungie read our topics so im waiting for an answer

He's waiting for bungie to answer him HERE.

I honestly doubt this thread would be here if Frankie and Shishka didnt show up the other day.
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Hate to break it to you kid, but bungie may not exist in 5-6 years, plus you being 14 if I remember, they dont hire 18 year olds, they hire guys in their 20's 30's who go to technical schools with real experience.

If you really want to make an impression, write up a resume, show where you've worked, other workers or people that would recommend you, their phone numbers and such.

But you being so young, it's impossible to type on up anyways. 5-6 years later you will be interested in something else, you'll find your true calling then when you are in high school or college.

Staying up late everynight and living off energy drinks isnt fun, the sagging and darkening eyes from viewing the PC screen too long isnt a chick magnet quality either.
Seriously, I *thought* I wanted to work at skywalker ranch when I grew up, but now, its just not going to happen or I dont feel a real reason to after giving it alot of rational thought. Learn from this, and do not try to stir up anything, because you wont get an answer other than us telling you that its pretty much pointless, especially at your age.

By all means, if you want to be a game programer, take the appropriate college courses and gain a few years of expierience first, THEN persue your dream jobs, but I can tell you that by the time you do graduate high school, you will have already changed your mind, I sure as hell did.
hey dont dash the kids dreams. his hope of bungie contacting him on this thread is slim, but he wants to know what kind of degrees he might need. as to which there are degrees in game design and theory, and programming, maybe a minor in physics so you could help program the next great physics simulator. but basically do some reasearch on what jobs exist at companies like bungie, take some highschool classes on programming or design (if ya'll have them) to see if its something you would like to do in college or even adept at doing.
Its every little kids dream to be a doctor, a fireman, a policeman all in one.

Then as they grow up, they all decide to want to work for videogame companies.

Then they grow up and gain some intelligence.
tenacioust183 said:
hey dont dash the kids dreams. his hope of bungie contacting him on this thread is slim, but he wants to know what kind of degrees he might need. as to which there are degrees in game design and theory, and programming, maybe a minor in physics so you could help program the next great physics simulator. but basically do some reasearch on what jobs exist at companies like bungie, take some highschool classes on programming or design (if ya'll have them) to see if its something you would like to do in college or even adept at doing.

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