My Halo Wars Build

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I m looking forward to getting it done however im not looking foward to the chest plate why you ask.....well look at it
It scares the hell out of me i mean look at all that detail! and it doesn't come with any numbers on it either. Oh btw right shoulder pad update photo
Its a little bit big width wise but i recon that will get pulled in a bit tighter when its complete.
Ok here are all of my complete pieces so far.
The chest piece has been printed out and is ready to start. However its going to take a long time to put together so i'll update as best i can, all together its 72 sheets and with my apprenticeship training reaching exam time progress will slow please keep the support going! cheers for all the help and comments so far.
Also can someone recomend like a material to sew onto my undersuit to create an effect like this
under.JPGunder 1.JPG
prefferably avaiable in the UK and a pair of boots to use for the foot plates and how you could attach them?
Hey great build! For the under-suit i might suggest some neoprene like material and weather it with silver paint on the edges to add the metallic feel. Neoprene however is not very breathable so you might be better off using foam glued onto an under-suit instead of sowing and the same silver paint weathering deal. Just remember that it gets really hot under the suit really fast so hold breathability above everything.
I think you can get a set of undersuit patterns from BMP props. Im not sure how much they are though or how expensive and breathable they are.I guess the only downside of this is that they are meant for Halo 4 spartans and not the Halo wars MK IV spartans. [h=1]Halo 4 Spartan Undersuit kits[/h]
I used a mix of foam, drawer liner and leather (fake) to mix and match my undersuit.
Hi Guys sorry this thread has been so inactive. I've had no time to actually get any work done on the suit because of the way my apprenitiship has been structured (Very poorly btw) however there will be updates in the next few months (fingers crossed) on how things are going i still need to finish one shoulder and the get the helmet and shoulders fibre glassed so thats my aim by at least the end of the year. I have had some issues though with glueing PVA glue just isnt doing it for me anymore ive done very well in just using it but for trick and fiddily parts its damn useless so any suggestions for better glues will help a lot, Cheers!
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