My helm so far

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[attachment=1882:Resined_Helmet_008.JPG] [attachment=1881:Resined_Helmet_007.JPG][attachment=1880:Resined_Helmet_006.JPG] [attachment=1879:Resined_Helmet_005.JPG][attachment=1878:Resined_Helmet_004.JPG] [attachment=1876:Resined_Helmet_003.JPG][attachment=1875:Resined_Helmet_002.JPG] [attachment=1874:Resined_Helmet_001.JPG] [attachment=1770:My_Halo_Stuff_006.JPG] [attachment=1766:My_Halo_Stuff_001.JPG] [attachment=1768:My_Halo_Stuff_003.JPG] [attachment=1767:My_Halo_Stuff_002.JPG] [attachment=1769:My_Halo_Stuff_004.JPG] Here are my updated pics as of today.I resined the outside the other day,The inside yesterday,and I put the fiberglass in tonight.The helmet has weight now and is solid.Thanks to everybody who has given me advise.I still need a little bit more fiberglass and resin on the inside.and probly one last coat on the outside,but I'm out of hardener.I'll start bondo Friday or saturday.
As always tips and critisim welcome.
How is it that you keep the flaps and such together? I'm kinda tired of using tape and glue. Kinda looks like you're using staples.

Nice job BTW.
Spartan 169 said:
How is it that you keep the flaps and such together? I'm kinda tired of using tape and glue. Kinda looks like you're using staples.

Nice job BTW.
tape wont work for your actual model . I'm using rubber cement.
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Deadandbroken said:
Tips and criticism welcome

I want not criticise your work... All perfect...
But quality of pictures... Are you heard at all about FOCUS and MACRO?
All people have now 5 - 8 Megapixel cameras, and cannot use it properly!
Use MACRO is more easy than use of computer or xbox...
Why?... :mad:
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bevbor said:
I want not criticise your work... All perfect...
But quality of pictures... Are you heard at all about FOCUS and MACRO?
All people have now 5 - 8 Megapixel cameras, and cannot use it properly!
Use MACRO is more easy than use of computer or xbox...
Why?... :mad:
I know the quality sucks.My card in my good camera broke so I'm using a cheapie for now.Sorry about the blur
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awesome helmet. im in the process of my first one too and its harder than you would think just to glue all the tabs together. sometimes you don't have them straight, sometimes you don't put enough glue and it pops off, and so on...
death said:
awesome helmet. im in the process of my first one too and its harder than you would think just to glue all the tabs together. sometimes you don't have them straight, sometimes you don't put enough glue and it pops off, and so on...
Definately can be trying but its a blast I'm having a good time .
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Deadandbroken said:
Definately can be trying but its a blast I'm having a good time .

You may have a blast, but truly for many its just more work. Hopefully when I start mine it will turn out that nice and I don't have any foul ups such as unfolds or rips or the sort.
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