my helmet so far.

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ok here's my helmet so far. it's obviously not finished. its made of card board and lots of packing tape. give me honest opinios!!! also, if you see any areas that are lopsided or messed up in any way let me know and i'll fix it!! thanks alot!! also if you have any hints or questions ask away.
And the visor area appears to be too narrow... but other than that, yeah, good progress so far... :cool:
i know its a little lopsided. just to make sure we both know, where does it look lopsided?? and what do you mean narrow? is the chin too close to the out look part? is it just too small (horizantally or vertically?) thanks alot for telling me you guys. do the vents look ok?? i was converting the helmet from halo 2 to halo 3 helmet so i had to do a bunch of cutting. thanks again.
That's gonna require some awesome bondo skills if you want to make it look decent.
Right now it's so lopsided and many of the details are just not visible.
Major probs I noticed are:
-Mouth/jaw section extends to far and it's too square.
-looking overhead your left side is not symmetrical to the right.
-Back looks lopsided and it slops downward to the right.
Negative_Criticism said:
That's gonna require some awesome bondo skills if you want to make it look decent.
Right now it's so lopsided and many of the details are just not visible.

or my awsome cardboard skills :whistle: anyways, where do i need to work on?? what part is really lopsided? i'll just cut and either add, or take away some cardboard.
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Negative_Criticism said:
That's gonna require some awesome bondo skills if you want to make it look decent.
Right now it's so lopsided and many of the details are just not visible.
Major probs I noticed are:
-Mouth/jaw section extends to far and it's too square.
-looking overhead your left side is not symmetrical to the right.
-Back looks lopsided and it slops downward to the right.

in some of the pics i was holding it crooked, thats why the top left doesn't look symetrical, and i'm still working on the back part. thanks for pointing out the jaw. as soon as i'm donem y homework i'll get started on it. (i'm doing this instead.)

Edit: oops i double posted. DANG!!!
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lizander said:
[...] what do you mean narrow? is the chin too close to the out look part? is it just too small (horizantally or vertically?) thanks alot for telling me you guys. do the vents look ok?? i was converting the helmet from halo 2 to halo 3 helmet so i had to do a bunch of cutting. thanks again.

What I meant by the visor area being too "narrow" is that there should be a larger opening to show more of the reflective visor. You can even use my avatar pic as a quick example/reference. In that side view of the MC's helmet, you can see that the chin piece isn't equi-distant horizontally as your helmet appears to be; the chin piece is supposed to be at more of a downward angle.

Oh, and yes, the chin piece should go back a little bit too. It's not supposed to be flush with the brim of the helmet.

As for the vents, I see you had the same idea in mind for those and actually made them functional, just as I did. Like you, I too am working off the HALO 2 Pep file for the helmet, so a lot of the HALO 3 details I've been having to add myself. It's been rather time-consuming (more so than I would've liked), but I know once done I'll be very pleased with the end result... :cool:
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Rocknrollcows said:
is that plasti-wrap or is that resin?? o_O

cuz if its plasti wrap, its gonna melt :p
its packing tape. I'm going to remodel it (thanx spartan II and negative critasism and everyone else!!) then paint it with a plastic paint then spray piant it.
new pictures comin gsoon after i finish remodeling. (might be while. making it was taking place instead of gr 9 home work, so i can only work on it when i'm done my homework and drummming. :mad:
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i know, i was just using what I had around my room/ house. I'm going to re make it out of cardstock and then fiberglass it. for now its good enough, all my friends at school thought it was cool i had an ar and halo helm. I cut off the jaw, and re-alined it, although the jaw is still a little far out. pics comming on friday(day off) then i'm going to paint it with somekind of plastic paint (krylon???) after I work on the details.
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