My Star Wars Battle Front Darktrooper Helmet!

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Okay, a bit more work on the sculpt tonight, started to move more towards the back on the more completed left side, mainly on the ear cap. Upon further observation, the "com box" has only 4 stubs, where as I originally thought there was 5. The shadowing on the image made it appear as such. So becuase of this, instead of sculpting the box, Im going to be using the one's that came with my FX TK for obvious reasons.

I also started to clean up the back portion, where it merges into the swoop. The lower portions that are not covered by clay, are areas that need to be reinforced with more fiberglass, which Im going to try and do tomorrow. Maybe begin to cut the lower chin portion and make a reinforced wall to begin that section.



I got these in the mail today. I figure I should have these for part of my collection


The newer one is my main focus for obvious reasons. I didnt realize how small this was lol. Although having only a few differences, being the lack of helmet swoop, and a different chest piece, it's pretty much a battlefront DarkTrooper, and the jetpack gives that away, being the same exact design. I *think* the only other DarkTrooper that has the same JJP, is the star wars galaxies version.

For size reference, that's a Dime



RadioaciveMicrobe said:
This is coming along very nicely! You just may be the first person to make a successful trooper helmet from pepakura.

Thanks, but what about everyone elses on this site? lol I thought they were the masters of pepakura here. Ive seen a good number quality helmets from pep.

Oooooooooh, trooper helmet, my bad!
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tubachris85x said:
Thanks, but what about everyone elses on this site? lol I thought they were the masters of pepakura here. Ive seen a good number quality helmets from pep.
Well, no one has been able to get a good smooth trooper helmet. All the curves and what-not are very difficult to get right in Pepakura in itself. And you are doing a spendid job so far!
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RadioaciveMicrobe said:
Well, no one has been able to get a good smooth trooper helmet. All the curves and what-not are very difficult to get right in Pepakura in itself. And you are doing a spendid job so far!

Oh ok! I see what you mean. Yea, I figured going this route would be best, despite having no knowledge of how to work it. I think it's excellent to use as a base for a sculpt, as you can see. I once considered trying to use bondo instead, and use it as the final helmet, but I feel you lose alot of details from that.

lol Im also doing this, because the pep base comes directly from the game itself!
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Tried using rubbing alchohol today for smoothing. I originally wanted to get some citri solve, but I couldnt find any at the store. I really wish I did cause, lol it smells BAD.

It actually seems to work pretty effectivly, but I should try to use a heat gun or blow dryer to soften it up a bit. Used a hankerchief, didnt have an old t-shirt to spare, left it looking a bit dirty..oh well

I can say that I feel the left side ear cap is pretty much finished as of right now. The com box in this pic appears higher, but thats due to the angle. I also decided to begin the chin portion. Right now, the left side being more accurate. I may not have to cut the section off, but I will have to for the depression needed for the areators.

For other such details, such as the boxes along the dome and the tear drops, Im having a bit of an issue getting them sculpted into the clay. Im deciding wether or not I will even physically put those details in at the moment.

Anyways, some more pics for ya'll




Awesome! Dark Trooper helmet looks great! Can't wait to see it done. Are you going to use red lenses for the eyes or black lenses. And do I spy a bounty hunter helmet in the background? ;)
SpArtan-270 said:
Awesome! Dark Trooper helmet looks great! Can't wait to see it done. Are you going to use red lenses for the eyes or black lenses. And do I spy a bounty hunter helmet in the background? ;)

Yep, red lenses for them. Im thinking about possibly putting an LED strip above the inside of it, similar to how RC helmets are, to give it a "glow."

That is actually an "ILM Screen cast Jango Fett helmet," pretty much from the molds used for AOTC. It's actually a commission I got hired to paint/build up. Almost done, in a way lol
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Well, it's been awhile since I last posted pics of the sculpt in progress...I've begun work again on this, and thought I should share the work I've done so far. Not nearly ready yet, but alot farther then it was before.

I've started work on the chin "grill." The issue with it, is that the references I have, regardless, the image itself is not clear enough and I am unfortunatly forced to interprete how it is supposed to look

this is from last night:



Tonight's work..started to reshape the grill, not satisfied yet at all, but looks better in person IMO


Started to do more with the other ear cap as well..this is harder then it looks...


Also, one question, off topic, but I am curious to know why all the replies to threads are all linked? Is there a way to change that so it's the standard forum appearence? Thanks

WOW! That looks really good! DT was my fav' class in bf2 :D
You can buy those clone helmets from my work for $45-ish. There like, the hasbro ones (idk exactly who made it) and have buttons on the side that have voice sounds of cody, is it?
delta38 said:
WOW! That looks really good! DT was my fav' class in bf2 :D
You can buy those clone helmets from my work for $45-ish. There like, the hasbro ones (idk exactly who made it) and have buttons on the side that have voice sounds of cody, is it?

Yea, I think? I haven't been able to pick one of those up. I know ALOT of people that got them have started to mod them, and they turn out really nice
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tubachris85x said:
Also, one question, off topic, but I am curious to know why all the replies to threads are all linked? Is there a way to change that so it's the standard forum appearence? Thanks


Just hit click on options in the right above corner of your topic. There you click on the standard lay out.
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rundown said:
Just hit click on options in the right above corner of your topic. There you click on the standard lay out.

Thanks! So much better now!
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Well no molding pics yet, but I wanted to show how I'm prepping this. I cut out the sections where the areators are. I can't have it flat for obviouse reasons, but I'm thinking now that I should have left those sections closed for molding (Ooops..)

Anyways, some things I just can't smooth out as I like, but these things will be fixed once I get the first cast made. I'm going to make a rotocast helmet for the transition/master. This will allow me to have a strong sturdy base to work with while still allowing me the freedom of making adjustments as I need. I am most likely going to switch the type of clay I'm using though, cause it's not adhearing to anything!

As you can see, I also removed the chin greeblie. I want this portion to be as smooth as possible for the transition cast. It was really difficult to get the back section as smooth and clean looking as I wanted, so thats the purpose for removing it now. I will be adding it on for the final master.



I took this picture, because I really wanted to show how much I'm emphasizing on details, despite the 3D model being flat, I really used my references from my FX TK helmet. I really think that it brings a sense of more realism to it then just a video game.


Just one more update for tonight, I originially was just going to slap on the decal details, either pre-made ones or hand painted. I first tried to sculpt those sections out, but to no avail.

Despite my first failed attempt, I want to get that TK look going, so I went at it again, and managed to pull it off well IMO. All the trapazoids and "tear" drop details are now physically sculpted in.



The back looks wide, but using my reference, it is actually this wide apart


Thats it for now, thanks!

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