Need tips for my first suit

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New Member
Hey guys,

im about to make my first ever suit (using the tutorial posted up by indymogul), and i have some questions about it:

1. Where is the best place to find Unfolds?
2. I was looking at Forged Reclaimer's stuff, but alot of it had links to Deviant art, how do i get the Pepakura Download Links?
3. With Pepakura, does it print out like tab numbers or anything to show what glues to where or anything? if not, is there a way that i can make it do that?
4. is there anything that i should know about suit making that is important?
5. what size paper do you recommend using?

Thanks guys :):)
Hello and welcome. In the future, please pose questions on the funderful "HELP!!! for xxxx" threads stickied to the top of the noob forum. They will keep clutter down and also make it easier for veterans (Who don't always scroll through the noob threads) more likely to find and answer questions.

1-2) Since it's posted anyways, I shall answer! The best place to get pepakura files in general are the 405th database. Currently it's hosted at (Also found in my signature, and stickied to the top of the noob forum) If someone is posting their own stuff on dA, it usually has a download button hidden around on the right (Last I looked) side of the page. But you should be able to find most of what you need on the 4shared db.

3) It prints out tab numbers if you tell it to. In the 2d menu is a "Show Edge ID" option that will turn on the tab numbers. They are also good as alignment numbers, line up the outer edges of the numbers to get the piece centered right.

4) Patience. You will probably make a bad pep build or two before getting the hang of alignment and all. Cut with an exacto AWAY from your fingers (I usually hold with the left hand and cut to my right side horizontally). Also, be sure to read up the threads stickied here and in the Creation Discussion forums, they have a lot of great resources, especially pictoral tutorials on SIZING and building the pep files, which are definitely going to save you a lot of time. There are some files that are just designed small, and need to be resized to fit your body proportions so check those out.

Also, I personally think Cereal Killer's resin/bondo/rondo video tutorials are incredible, if not a bit long (because they are very in depth and walk you through step by step how to harden the pepakura armor)**-A-Step-By-Step-Tutorial-(My-Way)-**

It may also be fun to look into EVA Foam. Pepakura is my favorite and gets some gorgeous works, but EVA tends to be a bit easier to get started with for people not familiar with auto/boat repair or other resin based hobbies (which help with pep).

Good luck!
Thanks kats

i would have posted to the Help XXXs, but i figured there were just a wide variety of issues, it would be easier just to ask in an in general thing

How much is EVA? i want to sort of keep it cheap, but my budget can be stretched if quality is ensured ;)
The price will vary on the quality you want.

EVA Foam is 26$ for 24square feet of foam, which can get you one suit (not counting helmet which most people do in pep because the shapes are a bit too complicated for beginner and intermediate level foam users) if you don't mess up too much, and 30ish dollars for plastidip if you want to seal/harden the foam.

Pep is like 20$ for a stack of cardstock, 25$ for the fiberglass kit, and 20$ for the bondo if you want to smooth the outside.

EVA is pretty easy to get started with and can give you a decent looking suit in a short period of time, but pepakura gives consistently better looking results and is more durable. They are both good for different needs.
i download mine from the halo costume wiki and if you go to the 2d menu in pepakura just hit edge id and numbers will appear on the edge folds and then you just match them up
i download mine from the halo costume wiki and if you go to the 2d menu in pepakura just hit edge id and numbers will appear on the edge folds and then you just match them up

Please, please, please, please, please, please, pleeeeeeaaaaaase look at the last date before you post man. I know you were trying to be helpful but this thread has been dead for about seven months now! Not to mentions necro posting will get you in trouble with the mods.
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