New Layout Issues

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Well-Known Member
I thought with the new layout up now, and seeing as they're are a few things askew with it, that I'd make a topic where people could point these things out without cluttering other topics.

If you don't need something like this Adam just lock and delete this topic, but I figured this might be a good idea as with all web development I know small things can be missed/need adjusting.

I noticed an issue with the centering of the post/table boxes when large images are in a post. This also happens with the member pages.

Current Issues:
White on white text box for sign in

Missing 'new post' graphic in search result pages

New Logo Too Small/Hard to read

The depressed quote button graphic is missing

Background other than pure black.

Intro page doesn't match new layout.

Large margins for uses with high res monitor settings.

White artifacts around smiley face gifs

Signature widths extending post boxes outside the normal size.

Member level image doesn't blend, suggestion of red color instead.

The buttons (at least in the quick edit panel) are still blue, with light colored boarders.

Suggestion of blue outline on text controls.

Suggestion of grey outline around quote buttons.

Suggestion of darker background color for text boxes and smiley boxes.

Current page number not easily visible in threads with multiple pages.

'Add Reply' and 'Preview Post' not easily visible with current color scheme.

'Go' button after the forum quick links hard to read

Female ID icon has white artifacts around it

Suggestion of stationary background.

Suggestion of brighter background.

These will be crossed off as fixes are made. Check back here before posting any more issues to keep from repeat posts.
If there is one missing up there or has been fixed already, please bring attention to it so it may be crossed off or added.

I tried to be objective about these issues, and post all of them. Some may be addressed others may not. Be patient, and remember to hit your refresh button to make sure something is truly missing or not working properly before you post here saying it's not working.

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From other threads:

White on white text box for sign in

Missing 'new post' graphic in search result pages
Xavier said:
the new logo looks too small, the bottom stuff is almost impossible to read.

Well... when its larger you can read it... its just the forum header... the larger version is fine.
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Spase said:
Well... when its larger you can read it... its just the forum header... the larger version is fine.

yea, but as the forum heading shouldnt it be readable?
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Sean Bradley said:
Missing 'new post' graphic in search result pages
Odd, but the 'new post' graphic shows on all but the 405th Logo topic for myself.

The depressed quote button graphic is missing as well. Edit: Ok nevermind, it shows up now.
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AoBfrost said:
I liked the original look of the site :(

But this is cool too, it just seems so dark, and evil :\
Perhaps, some sort of grayish textured background to breakup the black void, or even just a gradient?
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Will this get switched up?

yeah, the layout will have to be modified. the popup boxes are hard to make out over the black background... this will be gettign fixed.
Adam said:
yeah, the layout will have to be modified. the popup boxes are hard to make out over the black background... this will be gettign fixed.
Sounds good. What resolution do you have the site set to currently? If I had to guess it's 800x600. Just asking cause I have my monitor set to 1600x1200 and there's a lot of extra space on either side of the page, hehe.

Attached pic...
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youve opened up a huge can of worms here Adam :p your pm box is going to be perpetually full.
drgon47 said:
youve opened up a huge can of worms here Adam :p your pm box is going to be perpetually full.
That's why I made this topic. Hopefully it'll help keep that from happening too much. :D

For everyone, something I realized you might want to do occasionally is hit your refresh button on your browser while at different parts of the site. This will refresh images, icons, and other things on the site that might not be showing up with your browser's current cache. So do this before you go saying "it's still not showing up for me" after something has been fixed.
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I think our light blue theme was more user friendly and welcoming.

The over all width of the layout is too long too, I used to be able to read who posted in what topic, now I have to scroll to see.
I cant even read what people post on the right side of their text, it's all cut off on my screen, scrolling left and right to read each post on 1 page is tiring.
There are a few gifs that have little white artifacts around them that show up against the new bg (like this friendly little guy :D ). I'd be happy to clean those little pictures up for ya'll so they match the new look if you'd like.

I really like the new theme. It's very modern and has a good tech feel!

I've only seen minor bugs which is really great. Launching new stuff is always fun!
I think we need to fix the thing what happens with siggies like chazodudes...
I think we should have a resolution restriction. and only 1 image.

Also the 'new posts' icon doesnt work (the icon that appears, hot topic, no posts etc.)

I'm gonna say that I love the new look, definitely a futuristic military feel. Logo is looking great too.

I'm also getting the same thing as Magnum on my monitor. Extra space on either side of the posts.
Here are my complaints so far.

The smilies and such have the white artifacts :lol: :D :p

The little blue bars that help show what kind of member you are (advanced, veteran, etc.) looks out of place. I'd personally make them red, becuase it would match the theme a bit better.

The home page needs to be changed as well IMO.

My avatar is now crap :cautious:. I had it perfect for the old light colored site. Now I need to make a new one. Oh well. I might use the new logo. EDIT: Fixed it :D. Used the new logo, and I have permission to use it.

The buttons (at least in the quick edit panel) are still blue, with light colored boarders.

And a few other minor bugs. But other than those, the new layout looks pretty good.
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