New to 405th, not new to armor builds.

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On a roll today. Just resinied a hand plate, right forearm, and the ab-plate again, PLUS sanded and tried to fix the crack in my chest plate. Man, i made alot of progress on my armor today. >w<

So pretty much done sanding my chest, some small places left, im pretty excited. Pictures later.


All i did today

Hand plate!

I cant tell if this is warped, or just asymetrical. o.o

You see the big crack. DX

And here was just a test, i just wanted to see if i could make a stencil. It turned out pretty i
good i think. (The circle detail around the wings i drew on with markers mostly)
Started painting yesterday, i took the advice of someone a few pages back and am now going with many light coats of color. I hope it will look better.
DUDE! Nice job so far!
Your ahead of me. Im still pepping the last piece. The Right boot.
What color are you painting your suit?

THanks Longshot, i actually havent even finished peping everypiece, ive done basically one of everything. XD But i have the scales now so i can make more no problem. I'll have pictures up later, my camera is crapping out on me right now. Im using Italian Olive by Krylon (A little darker than MC colors.) Its turning out great, im so happy with the paint job so far.

I think one more thin coat should be enough, then its time for detail work.
dude its looking awsome and i was wondering if you had any advice on where to start my armor? i have never made a suit but i have always wanted
dude its looking awsome and i was wondering if you had any advice on where to start my armor? i have never made a suit but i have always wanted
Well, that all depends on what you want to make. Some general tips are take your time, start with something easy, and use super glue. Be careful and know what your doing before you do it. ASk as many questions as you want, if you unsure about anything. There are many people on this site who are happy to help including me.

Also, just have fun with it. And dont get get discouraged if something goes wrong. Just learn from it and dont make the mistake again.
Just a quick update, I finished painting the base color onto my torso, so very happy about that. Now comes the fun part. Weathering and battle damage. And for once, i have pictures now.

(Excuse the lower quality, i had to use my cell phone.)



For some reason it looks really gray in the pictures, but its actually green. owo Strange.
dude, you're soo ahead of me!

are you going to go back and sand it a bit? there are a couple of spots that look like they need sanding.
dude, you're soo ahead of me!

are you going to go back and sand it a bit? there are a couple of spots that look like they need sanding.

I hope to, but as of right now im pressed for time so im not sure if ill get to it. Its kind of an "if i have some more spare time" kind of job.
So, i have good news my peeps. I haven officially finished my Mark VI Chest plate. I black washed it and battle damaged it today, turned out pretty darn awesome. I few things i dont like about it, like i put to many scratches on the front etc. But, it finshed very nicely for my first attempt, and im very satisfied. I LOVE the way the back turned out, being almost one hundred percent happy. The whole thing was a sucess though, and ill be proud to don it on "Halo"ween. Just a warning, the color does look alittlle dark, but it was in the shade, and the color is darker then MC. Oh well, i like it.
Enjoy the two pictures i got. I'll have more later.


Resined my Shin plate today, but thats about all. I cleaned up my workspace, not really working on my armor though. I did make a video tutorial which im uploading to youtube very slowly DX, so ill edit this post later today if you want to watch.

Slow start to this week, but ill be sure get quicker. Need more cloth.

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:) Thanks, unfortunatly i've been hit with another wave of crazy lazyness. I need to pick up some cloth, but it would involve me riding my bike up the street and i ont feel like it. DX

So lately ive just been resining the pieces outsides. XD Oh well, i'll get over it soon/
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