Noble 6 Suit For The Army

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, after all my great ideas I only have one last great idea and I really want to do this myself but if people want to help with information or ideas I'm intrested in hearing them, I'm going to be using the best files out there to create the suit from more than likely I'll be using Rundown's files that were unfolded by Brandon McClain, I'm going to work on this until Veterans Day when it will be given to the Army base in Little Rock Arkansas at Camp Robinson as a salute to our Armed Forces, I would like it to have it's own special paint job which I'll do myself and I'm currently thinking desert digital camo as the paint scheme once I get to that stage, so far I have started to pep the boots, next I'll pep the shins and work my way up, this won't be for costuming I'll be putting it on a duct tape mannequin body off myself so it will be scaled to myslef but they won't be able to tell that the mannequin is duct tape since it will have PVC inside to keep it ridgid. Pics to begin Friday when I get my camera back from the repair shop a busted back lens really sucks. If you have any ideas or suggestions lemme hear em.
Interesting idea.

I suppose you wouldn't have to use as much Rondo or fiberglass to harden it, as it won't be worn.
Hey that's a pretty cool idea! Nice little gift to some of our countrys servicemen!! Good for you Nintendude!!! 10 thumbs up!!! :cool
No I'm going to fully detail the suit, resin, fiberglass cloth, rondo, etc., etc., add padding, electronics, the reason why is because the Army puts on all kind of events and having someone in a Army design Spartan suit will help thier causes. The suit will remain at the Army base though on display, considering I've already talked it over with the base commander and there will be some servicemen helping me with building the suit.
You may want to look at some of the other files out there. Lgandersen for the chest, SJSUSpartan for the thighs and possibly shins. Rundown has a great helmet and decent shoulders. Charlie has a great handplate sculpt, and well, I am a little biased, but we have the best boots!! And I am not sure which cod is the best, haven't done it yet, so no guarantees. Hope that helps!
I think this is a pretty awesome idea. My only suggestion is for painting it, I'm thinking that the normal faded woodland color digi-camo that comes standard issue would be better than desert camo since the woodland camo is worn by all army personnel through basic and everyday work. I think that would be associated with strictly Army than the desert camo would be.

Also, are you planning on putting the Army Insignia, and all that stuff that is on a regular army uniform, onto the suit? I think that would make it look even cooler.

Either way, this is an awesome idea and I'm glad you are getting to do it.
Actually only the US Marine Corps uses Wooland or Desert digitals. Because we're the only one that figured we'd be fighting in the woods or desert.

The army instead has their hideous light gray digital knock offs. Come on Army, you know secretly you agree with me.

I like the desert digital camo myself. It's very distinctive. You should do it, then sneak in a Marine Corps EGA in there somewhere. I'm sure a couple people at the army base will get the joke.

If you'd be willing to stick to Marine Corps camo, I'd be happy to donate some shoulder casts! They're based off BoxOCrayon's modded Rundown shoulder.
Actually only the US Marine Corps uses Wooland or Desert digitals. Because we're the only one that figured we'd be fighting in the woods or desert.

The army instead has their hideous light gray digital knock offs. Come on Army, you know secretly you agree with me.

I like the desert digital camo myself. It's very distinctive. You should do it, then sneak in a Marine Corps EGA in there somewhere. I'm sure a couple people at the army base will get the joke.

If you'd be willing to stick to Marine Corps camo, I'd be happy to donate some shoulder casts! They're based off BoxOCrayon's modded Rundown shoulder.

I agree ^_^
I've seen the light grey digital knock offs and frankly that color just makes me sick, my brother is currently in the Army Reserves, and based of his uniform it's the Desert Camo Digi-Print, does anyone know, someone told me that the word Army or whatever is in the digiprint someplace, that true? And yes when it get's to the paint stage, I'll be adding the Army logo in the same place the Noble armor has thier insignia, probably rank on there somewhere, a flag and whatever else I'll add on there the only thing that will not be put on it is a name patch.
are you going to make the suit a little bigger than yourself or completely formed to yourself?. Just sayin, what if the army doen't have anyone that matches your size.
are you going to make the suit a little bigger than yourself or completely formed to yourself?. Just sayin, what if the army doen't have anyone that matches your size.

After talking to the Army about suggestions on that they told me to build it to my size because unless it's sitting on a mannequin at the base I'll be out with the Army wearing it for them at thier recruiting and other events. Supposed to be haiving a few guys coming out to me or me coming to them this weekend to start building suit parts.
Actually only the US Marine Corps uses Wooland or Desert digitals. Because we're the only one that figured we'd be fighting in the woods or desert.

The army instead has their hideous light gray digital knock offs.

Really? I must be going color-blind then lol, I coulda sworn the Army's camo was a faded woodland camo...course that DOES explain why it seemed to blend better with the rocks and sand than it did with the trees when we used it.

Either way this project it awesome, especially since they want you to wear the suit for them.
This is one of the best ideas I've seen on this site.

My dad served in the Army (even fought in Desert Storm) during most of my childhood. On his behalf I thank you for doing this.

I want to see pictures of the finished suit though. This is too good to not at least have photos of.
It should most definitely NOT be desert digital camo as seeing the Army has never had that and most likely will never have it. If you are going to do it it should be in either the now standard ACU pattern or the MultiCam pattern, the camo that's being used in Afghanistan right now by the Army.

But you can also go with the other Army colors...Black and Gold. You will see the Army logo in these colors the most often. There were also some pictures of the concept of the Future Warrior suit in black. The future warrior suit looked something like a early spartan/ODST.

I do have to really say that it's a great thing that you are doing and I hope the base commander compensates you in some way for your hard work and dedication.
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