Normal Suit Building Time

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New Member
I'm new to this pepakura building and such, but I was wondering how long it can take to build a piece of armor from pepakura to finish? I've been hoping to build Noble Six armor since May but when my computer stopped working I couldn't print and I was delayed for several weeks, and right now I'm trying to rush the pepakura armor so I can get it finished around the launch of Halo: Reach.
It all depends on your levels of skill, dedication, work ethic, and attention to detail which all can be offset by how accurate or perfect you want it to be, and adding detail.....

To be honest I mean no disrespect (hopefully it may motivate you) I see a tall Mountain to meet your deadline as you have stated this will be your first build.

Regardless, if we can do it.....YOU CAN DO IT!!! Get to pep'ing and good luck, keep us all posted. I wish you the best on your journey & build
Looking at your progress thread I think you can make it as long as you don't run into any major problems through your build. You probably will not be able to get a high amount of detail built in and will have to push yourself to finish, but it is doable.

Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.
MxRacer definitely a lot of the basics. It varies from person to person. You may want to see if there is another member somewhat close that is willing to lend a hand. Where are you located?
My camera is not working but right now I'm starting the boot.
As best my words can describe I have close to 4 or 6 pieces almost completely pepped out of all 20 pieces in the armor.
It all about the time invested. I started my project on July 1st and plan on having it done by Sept 1st. (3 months). I will admit that I am spending almost all of my time working on it and it looks like I'm going to be done before Sept. Assuming no suprises along the way.

You can do it. We will all be cheering you on!
Good luck with your build!
Cheers! :)
You were right about the problems I just hit my first one, I'm almost out of Cardstock and won't be able to buy some more until the end of the week or next week. So right now for the gauntlet I'm trying cardboard.
Making armour from pepekura is a long tedious job which can get boring around about the fiberglassing stage. I would suggest to listen to your ipod because working on your armour all day long will get boring because good results won't be seen straight away. Anyways, hope it goes well for you :)
my word, it is quite an undertaking! i joined up and got started on an ODST suit in june of last year, with the intention of going to the release of Halo 3: ODST in it. i managed to get everything, including getting the visor from link, by september 15th. of course, i'd only be working on it every other day for a few hours at a time. so, theoretically, it is possible. if you buckle down, and follow all the newer tutorials, it should be a lot easier. i didn't even find out about mudglassing until after i finished my second suit! so, you'll have a huge one-up on it. good luck.
PS: it's totally worth it! everyone was so excited to see an ODST at the gamestop! i didn't even pick up my copy until the next day, cause it was so busy!!! got to pose in photos, shoot the breeze with casual fans, and get appreciative stares from the hardcore players who love the story.. Do It!!!
Yea, that's right about where I am, looking at a pile of papers and about to start gluing them into shape.

I think I'll have to hold up on it until next month sadly... I'm going to be tight in cash until my next paycheck, and I need to get the resin and fiberglass...
I have a question, I have tried different types of glue on my pepakura prototypes but none worked so I started using tape. Would tape be okay to hold it together just until I get the resin?
I saw a video tutorial once on making Halo costume. It says it generally takes a year to complete a costume. After starting my kids costumes since last November, I tend to agree with that statement. I work full-time and a father of 3. The only time I can do any pepakura was when my kids went to sleep. It took me almost 4 months (2-3 hours each night) to prep almost 35 pieces of costumes. Some HD some Low-Def. Now because of my work and my family, I can only resin and bondo during the weekends. I'm close to 80% done with the resin. I figure I should be done before Halloween. All in all, I will be spending 1 year on completing the costumes.

If you spend 4 hours each day, you should be able to complete everything in 4 months time.
I recommend tacky glue, it dries faster than Elmer's glue and it's super cheap. It's like a huge bottle for about 2 bucks at Wal-Mart.
I have a question, I have tried different types of glue on my pepakura prototypes but none worked so I started using tape. Would tape be okay to hold it together just until I get the resin?
I prefer a low heat hot glue gun. It holds really well and dries super quick. You can get the low heat glue gun at Walmart for around three bucks and mini glue sticks for about the same.
As far as the tape goes, I think that the resin will eat the tape for breakfast. Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps!
i used blue painter's masking tape torn into tiny pieces to hold all of my pieces together. the only thing i would recommend would be to only use it on the inside of the prop, and sparingly on the outside to ensure smoothness. trust me, its hard to sand all the little pieces of tape that stick up after resining. though, it was not impossible. just difficult.
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