Official Appearance: Matthews Comicon - Matthews, NC (March 9th)


RCO and Forum Support
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405th Regiment Officer
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Member DIN
Matthews Comicon


Matthews Comic Con, returning on March 9, 2024, is a vibrant gathering at the Matthews Community Center featuring comic, craft, and game vendors, alongside comic artists, a cosplay contest, and an array of themed cars including Bumblebee from Transformers. With food trucks and more, it's a celebration of pop culture for enthusiasts of all ages. Don't miss this immersive experience!


March 9th, 2024


Matthews Community Center

Event Website:


We are thrilled to announce that we've been invited to represent the 405th at Matthews Comic Con on March 9, 2024. As part of our participation, we will have our very own booth at the event. This is an incredible opportunity for us to showcase our passion for crafting Halo-themed armor to a wide audience. Make sure to visit our booth to join in the excitement and share your love for the Halo universe with fellow enthusiasts!

Confirmed "Boots on Ground":

- TillXValhalla
- KaeSpoon

Tentative Responses/Past Attendees:

Badge Purchase:

The event is free for all to attend!
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