Ohio Regiment?

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Jr Member
If you live in Ohio post here. I live in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. That's basically Cleveland. Anyone else from the buckeye state?
Greenville. Darke County. West central Ohio, 1.5 hours straight west of Columbus. Out among the cornfields. I wondered when someone would do this. Good thinking....
Guernsey here, Salesville to be specific. BFE, Ohio more or less.

It's good to know there are a few other 405th-ers in Ohio, there used to be so few. ^.^
Cincinnati, well technically, a small town just North of Cincinnati.
I just moved to great old Shaker Heights, Cleveland, OH. God it's great. Just enrolled into CSU, so everything is going great. We all need to meet up some time.

- Adulese
I'm from the northwest corner of Ohio (Toledo area). I've been away for awhile, but starting up on my suit again. Nice to know there are a few from Ohio! :cool
Alright guys, this is Adulese calling for a Regiment gathering. Why, because the ODST Truck is coming to the Western side of Cleveland on the 13th. So gear up Ohio and get ready for some ODST action. Let's here a role call of who can make it. Starting with me.

Staff Lieutenant SPARTAN-J74 Reporting.

Activity: Civilian Detail (Sporting Mk V Helmet)


  • Date: 9/13
  • Location: Great Northern Plaza South's Gamestop
  • Address: 5102 Great Northern Plaza South, North Olmstead, OH 44070
  • Time: 11:00am - 6:30pm

- Adulese
At first when I saw the title of this thread I was like, "Hah, Ohio." (I just think it is miniscule from this joke my friend told me once.)

Then when I opened the thread I was like :eek so many Ohio-ers.
We are mighty in numbers. Probably one of the largest collections next to Cali and Texas. So Ohio Reg, whose coming?

- Adulese
Hello fellow Ohioans (Is that right...doesn't look right...Ohioans?),

Noble here in Cincinnati, Ohio or more spcifically Colerain Township.

Good to see a good number of us in Ohio.
This was just an idea, maybe instead of it being just a ohio regiment, maybe make it a midwest regiment. Is ohio part of the midwest, technically? o_O?
I would think that how the regiment is set up will be more base on the given number of people to a given area. Like right now Ohio has about 8 people so a regiment for Ohio might not work as well as one for the entire Midwest. However you do not want to have to much in a regiment as well because it would make keeping track of members and communication difficult. But then I am not sure that they have gotten as far to decide how big a regiment is or what the structure is in general.

Any who, that is just some food for thought.

I did not hear that they were trying to phase out of calling Ohio in the Midwest, I mean when someone says Midwest I think Ohio. Maybe because I was born here but to me Ohio is the Midwest, its the other states that a just tagging along. :D
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