Out Of Work Spartan

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Well-Known Member
So, today my attention was brought to the B.net News Reel for another reason other than what I ended up seeing there which I'm now posting here.


This is hilarious!

My question is who is it?

If they're not a member yet, I think an invite is in order.

If you are a member here and you didn't want this video posted just yet or at all. Let me know and I'll take it down.
that was too funny! That scout helmet looked great, lots of detail. He even got the nose section right, which most people don't
Strange I did a search for that very name and nothing showed up on it earlier. Oh well.

Mental, this is awesome stuff.
Yeah, I remember seeing that helmet in the gallery somewhere, I'll see if I can find it..

*edit- Preston is right, its Metalnemesis01
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