Pacific Reg (Portland, OR) - Pride Festival '24

What day(s) will you be attending?

  • Not this year :(

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Member DIN
Waterfront PRIDE Festival & Parade

Portland, Oregon
Tom McCall Waterfront Park
SW Naito Parkway between the Morrison Bridge and SW Ash st

Gate Entrances at SW Harvey Milk ST, SW Pine St, & SW Ash St

($10 Suggested Donation at Gate, encouraged but not required)

There is no designated parking for the festival. Paid parking is available nearby in private parking lots and on the street, but it is limited. There are also SmartPark garages throughout downtown, a list of locations is below.

W. First and Clay
Naito Parkway U-Park
W. First and Jefferson
W. Naito and Taylor
W. Naito and Harrison
W. 1st and Columbia
W. Naito and Jefferson
W. Fourth and Yamhill
W. Third and Alder

Waterfront Festival

July 20th 12pm - 8pm
July 21st 11:30am - 6pm

Festival open and FREE for anyone - no tickets needed

Booth #256 near the SW Harvey Milk St entrance gate.
Here's a map!

Booth volunteers and Parade participation currently only open to full members or pending RCO approval

Chat Room

Pre meet-up Armor Party to make your armor colorful
TBA - potentially the weekend before

Photo Drive
Shared Google Drive *make new folder with photographers name*


This is a really special event for us, ya'll. It has been awhile since the Pacific Regiment has had an Oregon presence, and we are trying to make this year one to remember. The 405th has always been a steadfast ally of all of our members, no matter their background. Our community strives to be a safe space where anyone can feel welcome.

We are partnering with the Autism Society of Oregon with an adjacent booth during the Waterfront Festival. While we will be operating autonomously from them, this is a big deal - they have trusted us to be professional and courteous while we are there and importantly, to help draw attention to their booth.

I know that we are always expected to be on our best behavior for events, but this time it is serious. We have the opportunity here to go and show our support for two groups that could really use it. This could also be a big step in a potential ongoing relationship with the Autism Society, who have expressed interest in having us participate in more events with them. Please help us make a good impression.

I will be updating this thread as new information becomes available.
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We will need Regiment members in costume and Regiment members as fabulous handlers during the parade. We will also need a non costumed Regiment member to work the booth during the parade.

If you'd like to participate and are not a Regiment member please message ArcSol or myself and we will let you know.
Booth # now up with a map to see where everything is!

Also bit of a big update that some of you have already heard about in other channels - the Parade is no longer on the table. We tried!

We'll still have a booth for both days and honestly it might even be better this way. Can show more support for our friends in the Autism Society without having to split our attention too many ways.

You do not have to wait in line to get in. Go to any of the main gates/entrances, go to the front of the line and identify yourself as a volunteer for the 405th Infantry Pacific Regiment booth. They will let you in. We still have to follow all of the regular rules as everyone else, no bringing in banned items.

We will not have access to a changing area like we do for regular events. This is going to be a change in your car kind of situation. If this is a concern for you, let me know and maybe you can use our car.

Otherwise... Good luck! It's going to be a hot event.

Anyone who shows up in cosplay will get a free folding fan!
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I'll come support the booth from 2:30pm to 5pm. Just joined 405th today! So I don't have a spartan suit yet but it's in the makings. I can pull up in tactical gear though if that's allowed. It won't be anything crazy. UNSC soldier vibe. I'll make sure to uphold all rules as well.
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I'll come support the booth from 2:30pm to 5pm. Just joined 405th today! So I don't have a spartan suit yet but it's in the makings. I can pull up in tactical gear though if that's allowed. It won't be anything crazy. UNSC soldier vibe.

First off... Welcome! Excited to meet some new faces!

No worries on not having a suit, we understand.

As far as the tactical gear goes, it should be fine. As long as you're not bringing anything that would otherwise break the rules for the event like real weapons or anything, it's all good. The only thing we really ask of anyone that wants to hang around our booth is neutral or halo themed clothing, so no repping other franchises.

I will warn you though, depending on how 'actual tactical' your gear is it might be a judgment call when it comes to wearing it to a Pride event. But I don't foresee it being a real problem as long as you're comfortable with it.
First off... Welcome! Excited to meet some new faces!

No worries on not having a suit, we understand.

As far as the tactical gear goes, it should be fine. As long as you're not bringing anything that would otherwise break the rules for the event like real weapons or anything, it's all good. The only thing we really ask of anyone that wants to hang around our booth is neutral or halo themed clothing, so no repping other franchises.

I will warn you though, depending on how 'actual tactical' your gear is it might be a judgment call when it comes to wearing it to a Pride event. But I don't foresee it being a real problem as long as you're comfortable with it.
Appreciate the detailed response. I will use good judgment and be cautious and courteous to the rules.
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