Pep requesting help

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Jr Member
Hey all I am looking to get a pepakura custom gun from the halo series but I do not know how to create the pepakura files and I need help

could some one either refer me to a pep file for this, teach me to make them, or make one? I need to get my hands on an
1: ma5k
2: Halo 2 magnum
3: any weapon suggestions to go with my costumes

I am doing a marine, odst, and a Spartan

for the marine I want the ma5k and same for the odst, and the Spartan I am looking for suggestions...

any ideas

I am also looking to get a energy sword pep file if any one can help me out with it.
Ther are al or of per made pep files out there google is your friend just do a little bit of searching and you'll find the right ones and you need a pep viewer if you don't Already have one
I have pep viewer and designer, and I have searched, but the file either wont transfer into the viewer/designer correctly

or the worst

the people don't post a download link or the download where I find the pictures and, yea google is my friend its how I found this group and got me into costuming.
Also, please post questions like these in the appropriate threads. There is a pepakura request thread, a 3d modeling thread, and a Help for Pepakura thread.

There are already files for the magnum, as well as a plethora of pretty much every gun out there. I don't know abut the ma5k but really two seconds browsing the pepakura database would show you that everything else is available on there! If you are unsure where the db is, I have a link in my signature. The 405th does its best to keep every possible halo pep file available on that site, so it's a great resource to check out first.
oh, sorry Katsu... didn't notice that, haha....I must have skimmed over and not noticed

wont happen again.
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