MK V B help


New Member
Hi guys. I'm kinda new to the costume/prop making community thing, I've done some armor before, but it hasn't turned out good. I'm planning to do a mkvb/reach styled armor, but the foam files in the armory look like they have too many angles for my skill level. I also have been trying to scour the internet for anybody who is doing their reach armor out of foam, but they all seem to be filament printed or done out of paper. Does anybody have an idea on what steps I should take? Thanks
Hi guys. I'm kinda new to the costume/prop making community thing, I've done some armor before, but it hasn't turned out good. I'm planning to do a mkvb/reach styled armor, but the foam files in the armory look like they have too many angles for my skill level. I also have been trying to scour the internet for anybody who is doing their reach armor out of foam, but they all seem to be filament printed or done out of paper. Does anybody have an idea on what steps I should take? Thanks
Welcome to the group Yalo. Unfortunately I can't help you with how to build your armor using foam but I seen recently a few new members that have. Saya is one of them.
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