Pepakura Requests

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any one have of briariose from apple seed ex machina im looking for helmet mainly but any thing will be good or may be weapons from team fortress and casey jones mask kinda looks like mic mask aloha brothers
Hyphen said:
Brute Chieftian Armor? if it is do able.

I think somebody is currently working on Brute files but I am not sure on the progress I just saw something about it on the pep wiki page.

JEStudio said:
WingZero Gundam Pep Helmet or whole..

I have the files for the Wing Zero and I think I sent them to Juice but whether he or I do it it will be after I have finished my work on other files I am currently on.
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hey there!

I haven't even seen any pep file of the HALO: REACH version of the Shotgun or the REACH verison of the AR (me and my lil bro would love 2 c something like that, and if there is a pep file that I didn't know about it PLEASE LET me know, and plus I PRomise to build the first design of the REACH Weapons)

I know there isn't that much reference to the REACH weapons but

other than that I would love 2 c some pep files of the HALO WARS MARINE ARMOR and the Completion of the HALO REACH ARMOR
Hey, everyone. If been looking for pepakura armored gloves/gauntlets for some time, but it seems like none has made any. Could someone make a pair? A generic design that could be adapted for medieval or futuristic gauntlets would be the best.


Futuristic (note the plated, robotic fingers)



Hey guys, thought I'd mention that I'm currently working on RoboCop armor!

Though most don't notice, there are actually huge differences between the suits used in RoboCop and RoboCop 2. RoboCop 3 used repainted RC2 suits with a couple of new parts (thighs, neckseal) while suits from RoboCop The Series were new suits pulled from the RC2 and RC3 molds. My model is currently based on the RC2 suit, but I will be making alternate pieces to allow the RC3 and RCTS suits to be created as well.

The end goal is to provide the models for creating the entire suit, both hard and soft armor pieces.

Current progress:





Helmet and upper arms are almost done. Lower arm cuffs and gauntlets are roughed in, along with the midsection. Once the "vest" portion of the midsection is completed, the chest and back armor will be next.

I have looked on the forums but i cant find a republic commando helmet just lots and lots of people requesting a republic commando helmet.

plz can some one upload a good unfoldered pdo plz

thank you
RoboTrap said:
Hey guys, thought I'd mention that I'm currently working on RoboCop armor!

Though most don't notice, there are actually huge differences between the suits used in RoboCop and RoboCop 2. RoboCop 3 used repainted RC2 suits with a couple of new parts (thighs, neckseal) while suits from RoboCop The Series were new suits pulled from the RC2 and RC3 molds. My model is currently based on the RC2 suit, but I will be making alternate pieces to allow the RC3 and RCTS suits to be created as well.

The end goal is to provide the models for creating the entire suit, both hard and soft armor pieces.

Current progress:





Helmet and upper arms are almost done. Lower arm cuffs and gauntlets are roughed in, along with the midsection. Once the "vest" portion of the midsection is completed, the chest and back armor will be next.

amazing i cant wait to see this :)
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How about predator Armor from any of the movies I have the helmet but I can't the rest I have started a few parts but haven't got very far due to time...
Does anyone know where I can find the Army of Two Mask? I have seen it before, but I can't seem two find it again.
Is there any way I can get the hayabusa shoulders, as one peice, including the peice that is under them (the band on the bicep)
just take a standard MK. VI bicep piece. Someone split it up... But as 1 piece... not that I know of. You can attach each piece together though... 1 piece would really hinder mobility.
I have some Ancient and AVP2 Predator Armor files I'll have to see what I can do the Ancient Armor is low poly but the AVP2 is HIgh Poly. So it's a " I will see what I can do"
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