Pepakura Requests

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have you had a look through the 405th database? where the majority of .pdo's and such are. the H4 folder is a little bare compared to say, Reach; but it might have what you need. i found most of what im after there :)
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I have an age old question of years past but, does anyone have or know where i can find pep files of the halowars spartan thigh and cod?
I have an age old question of years past but, does anyone have or know where i can find pep files of the halowars spartan thigh and cod?
If you keep a subscription in my link, you will get it eventually. I ordered the full Halo Wars armor to be made by a master pep artist. When it is complete, I'll post it in my thread and, when my armor is complete, I'll be giving the entire thing to the community.
Forgive me if it's been asked and answered, I admittedly didn't go through all 282 pages lol...

I really want to build Fred's helmet (and maybe armor) from The Package. I was thinking of modding one of my Master Chief The Package/FUD castings into Fred's but, once I really got down to comparing them side by side, they are SO different, I don't know that it would be a worthwhile use of my time. Is anyone aware of existing PEP files for that helmet? Here is an album I have of references...
You may have to do a mod. The Legends/FUD stuff has been pretty rare, and I think only chief and Kelly's helmets have been modeled. I poked around the DB and didn't find anything. Could always try 3d scanning that bad boy off of the toy!

If you ever happen to be in the bay area and have the toy, I'll scan it for you, but it won't look great since it's limited to the quality of the toy (I think the resolution of the scanner is .01mm?)
Hi everyone !

It's been a long time since my last visit !
I've got a project : Make a complete Fallout Veteran Ranger but I can't find the pep for the Helmet . Does someone have them ?

Hello to everybody.I use Poser 8 to create short photo stories.My skills in 3d programs are not so good.For a long time i have been looking for the Marine combat helmet from the action game Doom3.I would like to find it in wavefront obj or 3DS or DXF format,but i can't find anything.I think that no 3d artist have tried to make it up.
The only thing that i have found is a way to extract the helmet from the game as lightwave mesh.I also extract a TGA file with UV map for photoshop.
Anyway im not so close with Lightwave function and i have tried to fix the mesh with wings 3d,but with bad results.
So i wonder if any3d artist would like to try this helmet.
This is the Marine helmet from Doom3 and the only photos that i have found:



I would like to add this helmet to my photo stories somewhat like this:

"You think you just saw a what? A teddybear with a hood and spear??... Get outta here!"

Somewhere in the Galaxy,after first Death Star's destruction.

"Your incompetence to defend your disappointingggg.Hhhsss-hhss Now you will suffer the consequences".Hhhsss-hhhsss
Thanks in advance for endurind me.
Hi everyone !

It's been a long time since my last visit !
I've got a project : Make a complete Fallout Veteran Ranger but I can't find the pep for the Helmet . Does someone have them ?


I have the full, unfolded pep for this PM me if you still need it and I'll put it up.
Guys, I'm looking for the pepakura file of the belt of the master chief's mark VII (Halo 4). Can you help me? Thanks
Item Name
I am looking to pep out full size head to toe zombies...every year my mom does a neighborhood haunted house for the kids in the neighborhood to trick or treat at for halloween and she has wanted to do zombies for a while and I figure if I can pep them out for her it would help her and make her day the parents and kids in the neighborhood look forward to it every year and I want to do all I can to help her but can't seem to find even just a model for the head...I don't care what you use to referance the model or pep file resident evil walking dead don't care just looking for something I can run with I would draw it myself but between planning my wedding and making my fiances armor for next years comic con I lack the time so any help either a file location of a zombie you found or a file in general or a model I can unfold would be super awesome and amazing

Item Source
Your discretion lol

Reference Images
See above

Additional Info
PLEASE take a look at this set of Cyber Sub Zero armor!
I have the helm, and am in the preliminary phase of making it, if anyone can make ANY of the other pieces (shoulder/upperarm, forearm, chest, upper leg, lower leg) I will be FOREVER grateful. I want a full set by comic con 2014 which is in may in the motor city. I will be trying to learn to make them myself in the mean time but any help will be greatly appreciated as the helm is the only piece that is already made

Bonjour , tout d'abord je précise que je suis francais et je ne parle pas trés bien anglais , du coup j'utilise google traduction ^^'

Bref , je cherche à faire le casque des ranger issue du jeu metro 2033 ( le casque :

Sur le net j'ai juste trouver un seul topic qui en parle avec une modélisation :

J'ai ouvert le fichier du topic dans pepakura mais comment dire ... tous est mélangé ... impossible à assembler ...

Donc es que quel qu'un pourrais me replacer les piéces tous sa au "propre" ?

Merci d'avance:)
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