Plain Old Noob Questions

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Fluffy Hooligin

New Member
Please Help me i'm new to all of this. I've got 'pep' and some 'blueprints'. I'm unsure of where to get the supplies (Cardstock,fiberglass,AquaResin,etc.) and how much it costs. Also any extra tips for a Noob/First Timer. Thanks!
yep like what was already said read the stickies it tells u everything where to get it and what all u need also but mine is walmart or homedepot....
we where nice about what we said we where just letting him know to read them so he doesnt make these kinda posts anymore thats all........
OMFG, read the stickies.............................!

yep like what was already said read the stickies it tells u everything where to get it and what all u need also but mine is walmart or homedepot....

we where nice about what we said we where just letting him know to read them so he doesnt make these kinda posts anymore thats all........

Toacrabman's post has an implied "you idiot!" at the end that is about the size of the sun and your post, while not particularly unfriendly when taken out of context, starts with "what was already said" and therefore adds to that message to some extent, even if that isn't your intention.

I'm not trying to bash anyone here, but what happened above is a slap in the face for a new member: Little help, even less courtesy, and all that coming down from a very high position. What a nice first impression to get of us.

Also, if we can manage, let's not turn this into a flamewar please, shall we?
yeah i know what u mean all i said was hey read them thats all ad then i said i get mine at walmart or homedepot so i helped him out by tell him and was meaning that anymore questions read the stickies thats all........ im not trying to be mean.
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