Printing Issues in Pepakura

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New Member
Ok so I finally figured out the scaling method by using inches/86 then times current scale which I gathered it's usually 31.9, ANYWHO

When I rescale and go into print preview I notice the pieces are too big. Isn't it suppose to FIT the pieces on what could fit on each paper? So please help a NOOB out and get these to fit.
Well wyou dont really have to convert the measurements to inches; you could just use the metric system. But when you you say they don't fit, do you mean they're too big and don't fit within the dotted lines used to separate the page? If so, there is this tool that can "cut" pieces to a smaller size. It's the button that looks like a zipper. It wont alter the model in any way, just cut pieces that are too large.
If you mean they don't resize to the page automatically, they don't. You have to assort them. A hassle, I know.
You can use the join/disjoin function to split (and join, thus the name :)) pieces. Or you can just print large pieces on multiple pages and glue them together later, but I wouldn't do that unless the pieces really can't be split.
I clicked the JOIN/DIUSJOin but nothing happened, even tried "ctrl N" and got nothing.
Try not triple-post. If you need to edit your post for spelling errors or what not, click on the "Edit Post" button and the click the "Go to Advanced" button and do the necessary changes. When you're done, click "Save Changes."

As for your question, selecting Join/DisJoin or Cntrl+N is actually the first step. This simply changes PD's editing mode. Next thing you have to do is to move your cursor on the face of the piece until you get a green line. Double-click this line and you will see the piece split up. Of course, you can choose other green lines that you can cut. The key is choosing where to the cut the piece so that it will end up fitting within the page.
Ok so how do it? I got to know for future pieces

You can move the pieces around by clicking on the "arrow" button on the second row, and then click-hold-drag the piece to where you want it. If you need to rotate it, click the button directly to the right of the "arrow" button. It has 3 circles and 2 lines. Then click on on one of the circles that show up on the piece you want to rotate, then click-hold-drag on another circle to rotate the piece.
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