reiseman's Elite Ultra build... it's a start... pics included

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I've always liked elites... Always thought they were really awesome. This build is and will be epic. I love the stuff on these forums, I just realized; I'm contributing to the mass of ODSTs.
Please do continue this build, we need some more elites! Most (if not all) of the elite projects on here have fallen under, but I want to see yours flourish! Keep it up ^^
Please do continue this build, we need some more elites! Most (if not all) of the elite projects on here have fallen under, but I want to see yours flourish! Keep it up ^^

I'd say that we need more covenant in general. Of the covenant forces, elites are more common than say hunters or drones. I've seen 3 jackals, a few grunts, and I've only seen pics of a single hunter completed, and two in progress, and my in progress drone is the only one I've seen.
New re-sized torso... almost complete. I wound up with a 12% reduction. Rescaled the model to 1750mm, and re-did the torso. Took my time, used a lot of blades and really watched the glue use. It isn't completely finished yet, but it is close. And I do not look like a big turtle anymore!
New on left.
Much cleaner.

And the fit....

Some detail, hope it can be seen...

Still have to do the neck seal. Used the thick EVA foam before, gonna go with a thinner 5mm so it will flex a bit. I think I will also re-size the bicep pieces. My reference pics show them smaller and less in the way, like the Spartan armor. Printed the Elite belt, so will also get that done.
More to come....


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The resized torso looks much better - turtle shell effect is gone! You're going to have the head protruding forward in front of (and maybe slightly above) your own head (within the Elite's neck), right? The foam work looks great.
I am really looking forward to more updates.
This is looking great so far.
Shame about your 1st chest being too big, but the 2nd one looks even more awesome :)
Any ideas on how your going to attempt the undersuit / elite skin yet?
The resized torso looks much better - turtle shell effect is gone! You're going to have the head protruding forward in front of (and maybe slightly above) your own head (within the Elite's neck), right? The foam work looks great.
Thank you... Yes the turtle is no-more. I hope to be able to make an Elite head that sticks out as it is supposed to. They make things like it on the Jim Henson creature tv show. So, I will try.

looks great
Thanks...A lot of pieces and some "creative liberty" taken in a few places.

man your going to need some padding for an under suit.
Yea, since i'm more like a stick figure when compared to an Elite's anatomy. So padding will be a necessity.

I am really looking forward to more updates.
This is looking great so far.
Shame about your 1st chest being too big, but the 2nd one looks even more awesome :)
Any ideas on how your going to attempt the undersuit / elite skin yet?
Yea, the first one was a bust, but a valuable teaching tool for me. New one fits, could be a smidge larger, but will work. As for the undersuit, I have a file I think is from MissingSpartan7's files. Awesome file in color that shows the texture and pattern on the suit. I should be able to duplicate it.

Have the parts cut out for the Elite belt. Many thanks to Satchmo III and RainbowDash for the foam file. Will start assembly in a few minutes.
Hello 405th... Been a little busy, building. Well lets get to it! Satchmo III and Rainbow Dash's foam belt...

Next up... The head. This is the second one I assembled, as the first was too small. I believe the file is from MS7. My hope is to skin it with a thin layer of resin then modeling clay then mold and make a silicone mask. the paper doesn't stretch over my head much, but I think the size is pretty good. It fits the helmet I made pretty close.

Finally, the shoulder. On the left is the first one made. On the right, the new resized version. I like this size better.

I haven't given up, still on the job. Today i'm going to pep the other shoulder, then going to start pepping the thigh armor.
Thanks for looking.


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Wow this build keeps looking better and better [not that it was bas to start with :)]
I am looking forward to how you tackle building the head with latex.
Are you planning to have a movable mouth?
looking bad ass!
Thanks. I hope so!

Oh my god man, This is looking amazing! cant wait to see it done!:)

Thanks... There is still a lot to do!

All eyes on you, man. Really hope you finish this stellar-looking build! Keep it up ;)
Thank you... I think I've come too far to quit. Must see it through.

Wow this build keeps looking better and better [not that it was bas to start with :)]
I am looking forward to how you tackle building the head with latex.
Are you planning to have a movable mouth?
Thanks mate.... Yea...I don't think the mouth will move, might wind up looking out of the mouth. Your Agent build is epic!

This is looking great! As the Elites always said, "Wart wart wart."
Thank you.

You have my attention. This is looking very nice so far. Keep running with this.
Thanks... I'm working on it almost every night. A lot of parts.

Small update... Shoulders are together.

it was a pain in the backside to get all the layers lined up.

More to come!


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Yeeesssss. Seeing those shoulders is very exciting. They seem to be a very good width, and they're sitting on your own shoulders really well! Geez I'm excited for this suit...
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