Ronin's Pep Armor

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I finally have a update on my progress!! I have been working on different pieces at one time, but I have the helmet done (I think). The side pieces where the three lines are I'm not sure about them. What does everyone think? If I use my dremel on them the "lines" are going to be wider (with the bit I have). I just ordered my face shield and I hope it fits. The one I ordered is a HJC brand and that seems to be one everyone uses.

Thanks everyone!!!!! It took a little sanding ...sanding and more sanding. I don't know what I would do without my "Mouse" sander!! There are a few places I noticed today I am going to touch up. That will have to wait though, my Dremel stopped working! Right now I'm working on my chest and forearms. Hopefully I will have them done this weekend!!

@kensai111 Yes I used the "Rondo" mud mix!! I love it!! Much easier to work with than bondo! My cousin said to use something bendable to smooth it with. He suggested cardboard, so I tried it and it works!! Its cheap, because its everywhere!
Ronin said:
Thanks everyone!!!!! It took a little sanding ...sanding and more sanding. I don't know what I would do without my "Mouse" sander!! There are a few places I noticed today I am going to touch up. That will have to wait though, my Dremel stopped working! Right now I'm working on my chest and forearms. Hopefully I will have them done this weekend!!

kensai111 Yes I used the "Rondo" mud mix!! I love it!! Much easier to work with than bondo! My cousin said to use something bendable to smooth it with. He suggested cardboard, so I tried it and it works!! Its cheap, because its everywhere!

Handy to know, I think I'm going to go the same route. I know me and you are both frantically swarming to finish before AdventureCon. I've almost caught up to you, got my arms done tonight in fiberglass and resined, doing the chest tomorrow. All I got left is the helmet the next day. Then I'm right on your tail with that "Rondo" ;) Nah but in all seriousness, what route are you going on painting? If you're doing the automotive paint job route let me know, I got an airbrush artist in my store who will do detailing for cheap and you can just swing over to the 'burg :).

I was going to get one of those mouse sanders... hrm is it doing the job well? I was worried with the bends we're going to have to get into I was going to result to sandpaper anyhow... but if it works as well as you say it does.. I'm going to Lowe's before I start my "Rondo"ing...

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Oh yea the mouse sander is a life saver!! On sharp edges just be careful, I sanded all the through on a few places. I was able to repair them with Rondo!! As far the paint goes I am going with Adam's technique(Hammered silver,Italian Olive, Automotive black primer for the "dirt" wash and hammer silver again for dry brushing). I don't think I'll use as much silver dry brushing as he does, but who knows! The only thing I have left to resin is my biceps. I went back and remade them using the hd models. You talked about someone who airbrushes. Is he going to airbrush all of your armor or use a automotive sprayer?
Ronin said:
Oh yea the mouse sander is a life saver!! On sharp edges just be careful, I sanded all the through on a few places. I was able to repair them with Rondo!! As far the paint goes I am going with Adam's technique(Hammered silver,Italian Olive, Automotive black primer for the "dirt" wash and hammer silver again for dry brushing). I don't think I'll use as much silver dry brushing as he does, but who knows! The only thing I have left to resin is my biceps. I went back and remade them using the hd models. You talked about someone who airbrushes. Is he going to airbrush all of your armor or use a automotive sprayer?

I see, didn't knwo if you were going for the green Sean uses or the Adam green. I'm having my base coat at an automotive repair shop, then I'm getting a mix of automotive black plus its thinner and the airbrush artist is just going to be brushing the black fine details on my yellow suit and helping with battle damage. Then I'll take it back to the automotive place and have a hot coat of clear put down.

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Just a quick update. Here a my forearms before the wash and silver dry brushing. they are a little rough in some places but I decided to leave it (for battle damage). Besides right now I am pressed for time. Must be complete before June 14!! Also at work I am writing a program to cut out a battle rifle on our CNC machine. i hope it turns out OK, because for one my pep assault rifle ..well its trashed

Good stuff, they should look great once you do a bit of painting. How many layers of bondo/rondo is that?
Great job, love the gauntlets.

Might I ask what is happening June 14. (you probably said it somewhere in this thread i just dont feel like going through six pages :D )
@Vrogy two layers total and in some places three

@Falling_Jihad Adventure Con ,Knoxville ,Tn. So far me and kensai111 are going to try to make it. Both of us are trying to finish our armor in time!!

@Deep Winter 66 I think you are talking about my AR. Well I did put one coat of resin on it, some how during the night it fell over. It some how warped
Is it just me or does it seems like the FS Default Helm would be a little small? I figured it would be the right size because it's measurements were slightly bigger then my first... But as I build it it seems to be smaller...
I need a opinion on my color. I haven't dry brushed or painted the balck pcs yet, but I wanted to know about my "wash". Below are my forearms and my helmet. Do I need more wash on my helmet or less on my forearms?? I trying to find the right combination.
Also after painting do you seal it with anything?


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