Ronin's Pep Armor

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Pretty as can be sir, I'm jealous. But yeah, I'll give you a yell when I'm ready to work on Scar's electronics.. I decided to rip out my padding... I want to add another layer or two of fiberglass. Then I'll be ready for setting up the inside of it. Anyhow, you gotta hook me up with one of those BR's too man... I like it :D.

Excellent excellent work. I especially love the fact that you didn't even use the HD forearms and thighs, but still got the detail. Great work!
Thanks everyone!

@Ixius I used illustration board for the details

Here a few more pictues


Ronin said:
Ronin reporting for duty!!!

that is AWESOME.
I hope my armor looks that good when it's finished...
before that I have to get started tho...
For now tho, you have won yourself a "dancing kitten academy" award.
Here you go, enjoy it it's very prestigous.
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damn thats nice! the only thing i could suggest is some work on the shins, i know its hard since there low def models, but a little more bondo and they'll be perfect!
Also part of the shoulders could use a tiny bot more bondo just to get that really rounded look.
Everything else, PERFECT! (y)
OK a few people have ask me how I attached my crotch pc. I watched Adam's video on how he attached his, and this is what I came up with. This is the parts you will need:
Chicago Screws

Pieces of plastic 1 1/2" square

Also fiber glass and a adjustable belt (I used a"tool" belt).

First you want the belt centered along the armor "Belt". Take your pcs of plastic and drill holes in them for the screws. Insert the female part of the screw through the hole and hot glue it into place. Each screw "hold" will need two pcs of plastic ,so make sure you cut enough. now take your pc with the female screw part and hot glue it to crotch pc(see picture). Make sure to space them out even.

End part one
PART TWO (sorry double post)
Next you want fibergalss the pieces in place. Make sure you put the male part in the screw to make sure you do not get resin down in the female part.

Fiberglassing (sorry pic is blurry)

After the resin has hardened you are ready to attach the belt. Test fit belt. Make sure the "buckle" is where the crotch is cut apart on the side. Cut small holes through the belt where your screw points are. Put your belt in place. Take your second pc of plastic and put over the belt and screw the male part of the screw into place. Now it is attached!!

The side that adjust make sure you dont screw the wrong part down (See picture)

I put two screw points in the fornt and two on the back part. I did have to resin some belt loops in the "pouches" on the side to keep the sides form sticking out.

Now its ready to wear!!!!!!!!!!
When I finally get a break (and all my armor paid off... still got another $270 left to pay -.-) I'll bring over some supplies one day and we can put that lining in my helmet and work on an idea for the belt/chest connection ;). I broke the chest piece of Scar. We had a full car and the people I was traveling with had a baby.. well the stroller flipped in the back and broke the shoulders. It's fixable via Bondo but I think with all the problems I ended up having I'm just going to switch to Sigma's chest for now (little paintjob needed to match but it will be nice). Your end result was great man thanks for the mini tut on the belt.

Looks amazing! You would never guess that it was pep!

I really like your bucket electronics set up, any chances of getting a wiring diagram so I can do something similar with mine?
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