Spartans For Nebraskon 2009

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

We were recently contacted by the good folks at Anime Nebraskon as an open invitation to attend their convention.

Noah wrote:Im with AnimeNebraskon. I was just wondering how i could get the ball rolling on inviting the 405th to the convention. It is in november, we already are having the 501st come and we would love to see the 405th as well.

We're an anime convention that celebrates Japanese animation, music, comics, in addition to a whole slew of other things. We don't specialize in anything other than good, nerdy fun. We also celebrate video games, RPGs...a thousand other things. Our goal is to keep an open mind, and welcome everyone.

Oh, and have a killer time that we'll never forget.

We've got some changes this year! First and foremost, we will be hosting Anime NebrasKon this year at the Holiday Inn Central and Coco-Key Water Resort in Omaha, Nebraska. It is a spacious hotel with plenty of room for all of the events we'd like to pull off this year. We're all really excited about the new facilities.

And yes, we did just say water resort.

I think it would be awesome if some midwest Spartans could check this event out and represent the 405th! As part of the e-zine team, I can also say we'd love to have someone on board to take photographs, video, tweet, or do a write up of the con.

One great thing is that they've given us plenty of notice, and another is that it is after Dragon*con (so no major conflicts). We may even be able to spring some printed materials and 405th branding out to whoever is able to attend.

Are there any Spartans who think they'd be interested or able to go? Conventions can be some of the best places to meet up with your fellow members (both large and small scale events), so if you think you might like to attend, post here!

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I think they got the idea because 2 of their staff members have Mark VI's. The 501st were there last year and they went over amazingly well.;#entry267746
Myself - (dance/rave coordinator, running a fiberglassing pannel, and a bunch of sound work for various events such as cosplay, the concert, Anime Idol etc...
Ender (in charge of cosplay)

I have already planned on DJing for a while at the dance in my Mark VI. Its all my equipment anyway since I own and operate my own mobile dj business ^^;

There's 1 member who showed up to last year's Nebraskon but he didn't have his suit totally finished, was missing biceps and thighs i believe and he's from Omaha.
I just moved out here and starting some armor and going to that would be awesome, do you think they could use some ODST armor at the con?
ummm me and my peeps are thinking of going this year... we wont be spartans, but our marine stuff will be done and hopefully odst... at the least 5 marines will be going.

and i would be glad to document all of my experiences there and share with yall at the Ezine if you want to use it for articles.

as we get closer to the event we can discuss more... but for now lets just do a list of possible attendees, and i will definitely be on that list.
Yay, Sir Blood...glad someone has been before!

Dread, that would be excellent! Anyone who is able to jot some notes and take photographs, we'd love to chat about it later this year as the date approaches :)

Razion, I think ODST, Marine, anything would be a proud showing for the 405th. Like Sir Blood said, I think the Spartans must have initially caught their attention, but a decently sized organized group of Halo costumes would be wonderful.

I'd like to get back in touch with Noah here in a few days and give him an early estimate so he can judge how many we have interested.

Any other locals feel free to chime in. Cons are excellent for meeting your fellow 405th buddies (doing the A*con in TN this week, myself ^^).
i think we should designate only 1 spartan to go, with the 405th group... kinda how the 501st has one vader. then the rest can be marines and odst... we could switch up if multiple members want to attend as the chief, but try and only have 1 spartan with an escort of Marines. i think this would be pretty sweet.
DreadMullet said:
i think we should designate only 1 spartan to go, with the 405th group... kinda how the 501st has one vader. then the rest can be marines and odst... we could switch up if multiple members want to attend as the chief, but try and only have 1 spartan with an escort of Marines. i think this would be pretty sweet.

I'm not going to Nebraska but I have to strongly disagree with your suggestion - it sets a poor precedent for other 'Cons and gatherings. What kind of armor do most people in this group have (or want)? What costume is instantly recognizable and says "Halo" - Spartan armor of course. To say that at any given event there can only be one Spartan would be shooting ourselves in the foot as a community. Vader was only ever a singular individual character whereas there were multiple Spartans. This is also a game-based universe with a huge multiplayer presence consisting of primarily Spartans (most of which appear to be different).

Now if we had a whole group of people yelling at each other "I'M MASTER CHIEF" - "NO - I WANNA BE MASTER CHIEF" it could be a problem but somehow I just don't see that being the case. If we ever actually get officially organized/recognized and begin staging "official" sanctioned appearances, then a single "Master Chief" character may be in order. Until then I just don't see an issue...

This is supposed to be fun - the first time someone tells me that I have to hang up my Spartan armor because if I want to be involved I must be a Marine from this point forward... Well, let's just say it ain't gonna happen... ;)

By the time this becomes a real problem (if ever) the actual 405th Infantry Division should be in place with the Charter which I'm sure will address this issue. In my opinion we just don't have enough active, costumed members to become "exclusionary" yet...

Just my $.02
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yea i guess you are right... but it would be sweet. you also have to remember that most people are of the impression that there is only 1 spartan, if we are talking Campaign.

do we have any members that are going to be attending that actually have a full Mrk6 suit?
In the SW series, there is supposed to be one Vader.

In Halo, there are multiple spartans.

And Spartan > Vader :D
I'm definitely headed to Nebraskon again this year. Last year was a blast, and I actually have my ODST done for this year. It's even moved an hour closer to me. :D
Would anyone be interested in doing a panel about creating their armor this year?

Noah *may* have some special offers for a few folks :) More on that soon!
Vexona said:
Would anyone be interested in doing a panel about creating their armor this year?

Noah *may* have some special offers for a few folks :) More on that soon!

I've been meaning to Email the folks running Nebraskon about doing a panel for pep armor, and maybe some molding and scratchbuilding.

I've been lazy about getting to that, though. :oops:
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I had already planned on running a fiberglassing panel. (look to post number 2) But a basic pep. panel or a molding panel could go along very well with it. especially if we could get them, back to back, or merge them somehow and get a 1 1/2 - 2 hour panel out of it.

For the past 3 years I have ran a weapons building panel. Giving tips on weapon building like swords and guns. Figured I would take it up a notch and have a panel dealing with fiberglassing and advanced costume building techniques.

I would be more than willing to share the panel with someone though ^^;

I had already planned on dealing with the safety stuff 1st, and planned on handing out a flier with most of the basic safety stuff and a few links on it. Planned on dealing with the stuff to NOT do when working with resin and fiberglass, then working up to some of the cool stuff you can do with it. Had planned on mentioning that its not just for costuming, that once they get used to working with fiberglass and resin, they could customize the interior of their cars also... custom sub boxes, flush mounts for stereos... etc. Had planned on building up to a few different painting techniques and a few things to avoid when painting.

Hi guys. Anyone new planning to attend? Any changes of plans for people who have chimed in earlier?

Noah from Nebraskon was kindly asking for a sitrep from us :)

Thanks in advance.
Hello 405th Infrantry Division,

I saw a picture of one of you at OsFest and was able to track you down via a rather difficult to see lanyard :D. I'm glad to hear there will be so many of you at NebrasKon. Members of the board of Contagion: Outbreak will also be in attendance, however we will be there under many different guises. Most of our board members, myself included, are in the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion and will be trooping the convention. We will hopefully have either a booth or panel as well and look forward to meeting you.

I hope this won't derail this thread, but would somebody from the Omaha area be willing to contact me to be a point of contact for Contagion: Outbreak. Contagion is coming in 2011 and will be a yearly multi-media/multi-genre convention. Since we are costumers we have a great interest in meeting and promoting any and every costume group we can. If you're interested please e-mail me at Thank you so much for your assistance. Semper Spartans!
Contagion: Outbreak said:
Hello 405th Infrantry Division,

I saw a picture of one of you at OsFest and was able to track you down via a rather difficult to see lanyard :D . I'm glad to hear there will be so many of you at NebrasKon. Members of the board of Contagion: Outbreak will also be in attendance, however we will be there under many different guises. Most of our board members, myself included, are in the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion and will be trooping the convention. We will hopefully have either a booth or panel as well and look forward to meeting you.

I hope this won't derail this thread, but would somebody from the Omaha area be willing to contact me to be a point of contact for Contagion: Outbreak. Contagion is coming in 2011 and will be a yearly multi-media/multi-genre convention. Since we are costumers we have a great interest in meeting and promoting any and every costume group we can. If you're interested please e-mail me at Thank you so much for your assistance. Semper Spartans!

Sounds great!! Thanks for stopping in :)

Any Omaha area locals able to be a representative of sorts?? I'd love to see spartans at every event...let people know what we are about and show off all your hard work. Nebraskon ppl in particular would be good as you can take a minute to speak in person.

Thanks in advance everyone.
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Vexona said:
Sounds great!! Thanks for stopping in :)

Any Omaha area locals able to be a representative of sorts?? I'd love to see spartans at every event...let people know what we are about and show off all your hard work. Nebraskon ppl in particular would be good as you can take a minute to speak in person.

Thanks in advance everyone.

I'm probably not close enough to Omaha to be a good contact for them, but I'm certainly going to try and meet up with the Contagion folks at Nebraskon. Sir Blood is closer to them, and might be a better choice, he'd also mentioned a few other members from that area earlier in this thread.

What I've seen on the Contagion site definitely has me interested.

A little about Nebraskon:

I'd talked a bit with Sir Blood about helping with his panel, I don't know if Noah would want an armor-specific panel with some 405th input to complement what Sir Blood is doing, but I could probably put one together with a little help. (I've never run a panel, so I'd need some advice)
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Loess said:
A little about Nebraskon:

I'd talked a bit with Sir Blood about helping with his panel, I don't know if Noah would want an armor-specific panel with some 405th input to complement what Sir Blood is doing, but I could probably put one together with a little help. (I've never run a panel, so I'd need some advice)

Thanks for the info. We're looking forward to meeting you guys and gals. I've had a little experience with panels and what I can say is don't bother covering every piece of the armor. It gets tedious for the audience. I speak from experience. I had a panel once where we talked about the different types of Star Wars costumes. It was a success, but it bored me to tears and I was the one putting it on. What people want to know is why you put on the armor. What you like about HALO. What things you can do with it (ie. parades, conventions, etc...). I'd suggest letting people get a chance to look at the armor up close. Maybe have a period of time at the end of the panel where they can come up and you can show them the armor pieces you own (being careful and watchful of course. Some people can be clumsy and most armor isn't cheap). Also, have fun with it. :D
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