The Best forum game you've ever played!

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So, Thom A293 and I (why is it that every time I get myself into trouble, It starts with "Thom and I"?:p)

anyway, Thom and I were talking about VR, and about how he was spelling so bad, and then all of the sudden we were misspelling everything on purpose.

It went something like this: I'm in the parenthesis, he's in brackets.

("imma get a a phone vr but the cheep one have really bad field of view." spelled some things right..)

[Oh my gush lol I spel so wel. Dis spelng es soo exat. Tezt rons r alwaz gud]

(oh, doo yuh? ay con spel tooh. soh, ay wunted a dohgyy wen ay wuz thirteen. howz zat sohnd? :lol: :lol: :lol:)

[Oh wow lol. Little random with the doggy there:D:lol::lol:!]

(thurteehn wuz tha onwy ting ay speled rite, ay coodunt tink of ehneeting tooh mispehl eet with. dayn guhm da otto curekt, Ay trie too spehl sumthing rong, buht eet spehls iht wrait!)

So I decided to make a forum game! Because why not?!

Object of the game:
so, what this game is going to be all about is translating the previous person's message, and then posting a reply that is also badly misspelled. try to misspell as badly as possible, while making sure that it's at least a little bit intelligible.

The Rules:
(1) only one post per member, per day.
(2) Keep it PG. no inappropriate messages.
(3) be nice!
(4) enjoy the game!

The Score System:
For this game, there is a score system, but you don't have to do it. Every time you translate a person's post into properly spelled English, you get 1 point. If you almost complete the translation, you don't get any points.
If you make a post without posting your own sentence(s) that need to be translated, you get -1 point. If someone challenges you to translate their difficult message, this is called the gibberish challenge:

The Gibberish Challenge:
When someone posts a nearly impossible to translate message, and they challenge another person to translate, it is called a gibberish challenge. If the translator gets the translation correct, they earn one point, and take away a point from the challenger. If the translator fails, the challenger earns 2 points.

The Prize:
every once in a while, the participating member with the most points gets a free Halo 5 Gold REQ pack from me. yay!

For the beginning, I will give the conversation a starting post, and begin the fun! so here's the conversation starter:

Wut wuz duh funnyets prank yoov evar pooled ohn sumone?

I hope you all enjoy!
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Too easy because I read and speak gibberish fluently....."What was the funniest prank you've ever pulled on someone?"

I wrk fro a company tha has an art dept. tehy ad a can o pnt but it sa3 dake. I took it and pretendd that I trippd adn dropped it on a cowker.....Boy wsa she peeoed!!! She saw so angry tha she threw a stapler ta em. I till hae the scar on ym bak.
I work for a company that has an art dept. they had a can of paint but it...saw cake? see bake? anyway, I took it and pretended that I tripped and dropped it on a co-worker.....boy was she..?
She was so angry that she threw a stapler at me. I still have the scar on my back.

Wunce, maiy sisther splashed me wiht wotur frohm duh sikn, it whad vart hot! I towd hur ide geht hre bakc. Soh, I dihd, baiy splasheeng ay buhket uv wotur on hur wile she wuz sleping, alogn wiht a kold, wet, spunj.
Shee waz so mahd, but she wehnt too thuh bahthroohm ans crayd.
Sa3 dake = was fake.........Boy swa she peeoed = Boy was she POed (Pissed off)......

Once, my sister splashed me with water from the sink, it was very hot! I told her I'd get her back. So, I did, by splashing a bucket of water on her while she was sleeping, along with a cold wet sponge. She was so mad, but she went to the bathroom and cried.

So that is 2 points to me for what you couldn't translate.
Dirtdives - 2 points for you and then we'll go ahead and take two points away since you translated Blackwell's post and didn't add any gibberish. :p

Rily? Ah cuhld wit spuhng? Y? eye wult had puntched uu fir makin mi behd sohked. I fehlt bawd fir ur sys ater redding that. Tis gaam mheks meye hed hrt. Haha
Really? A cold wet sponge? Why? I would have punched you for making my bed soaked. I felt bad for your sis after reading that. This game makes my head hurt. Haha.

i cnat thk f ny gud parnks thta ive dne. mI tipkally mre itno gnerl joaks nd nne f my prnks hav bin enytheng spsehal.

^Good luck with that one!
I like it! This game is more fun then I thought it would be. I'll leave yours for someone else. There is a word in there I can't figure out so hopefully the next person can translate without giving you a point. :p

*see StayFrosty's comment for text to translate.
StayFrosty, "I can't think of any good pranks that I've done. I'm typically more into general jokes and none of my pranks are anything special."
+1 points for translating that one! Haha! Blackwell for the win!

Duke, did you seriously think that I could make a game that is boring?! :p

feal freah to chaj tha tpk. Aym gunuh chanj it, cuz tez knot mukh to talc aboht with the prkstrzz.

nekst topik: wut iz tha meenast thimg som1 haz dun 2 yu?

ahlso, aht tha botumn of ur pozt, post a tallie of ur score 4 tranzlatng. ay editid tha frst pozt to inclood the scor systm. tha scor sistm is activ now, and evrywun wil reset to 0 poyntz and ern ther pointz immdiatelee.
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StayFrosty, "I can't think of any good pranks that I've done. I'm typically more into general jokes and none of my pranks are anything special."
+1 points for translating that one! Haha! Blackwell for the win!

Duke, did you seriously think that I could make a game that is boring?! :p

feal freah to chaj tha tpk. Aym gunuh chanj it, cuz tez knot mukh to talc aboht with the prkstrzz.

nekst topik: wut iz tha meenast thimg som1 haz dun 2 yu?

ahlso, aht tha botumn of ur pozt, post a tallie of ur score 4 tranzlatng. ay editid tha frst pozt to inclood the scor systm. tha scor sistm is activ now, and evrywun wil reset to 0 poyntz and ern ther pointz immdiatelee.

Feel free to change the topic. I'm gonna change it, cause there's not much to talk about with the pranksters.

Next topic: What is the meanest thing someone has done to you?

Also, at the bottom of your post, post a tally of your score for translating. I edited the first post to include the score system. The score system is active now, and everyone will reset to zero points and earn their points immediately.

+1 for me! Cue Jeff Steitzer: "Gained the lead!"

a dnag I jsut togh f n arligt prnak htat ve dn! mi gna goh wiht htat fr thsi ne. nce I wsa t a frneds huose nd mi brther wsa hme b hmsif. m frend n I desidid tu gho to mi huse t lke 830 nd prtend lke we wre somwhone brakig nto the huose. my brthor gto rlly skaered nd ws freking ot untl we cme n nd shwed hm t ws us.
"Aw, Dang I just thought of an alright prank that I've done! I'm gonna go with that for this one. Once, I was at a friend's house and my brother was by himself. My friend and I decided to go into my house at like 8:30 and pretend like we were someone breaking into the house. My brother got really scared and was freaking out until we came and showed him it was us."

"Tied the leader!"

Ooc dood thats meen. did he slp yu or smthg? I wlwd bn prette mahd at u. yer lcke he d id nt cal tha copz.

ahnywy, da meenest ting sum1s evr dun to mee...I cant th iink pof anything, but I'll keep tinkign.

ooh...wen I wux rly litl, like 8, a girl I'm mi claz tohld me to sae "tish" bwrkard. I sed it, and maiy teacher tuhk awy my recees, and madde me sti at tha "time-ooy tabol". I cride and told her dat a girl maed me say it cuz I didnt no wut tha wrd ment. shee gaiv me Lice crm as an apollgy, bt the grl didnt gt punshmnt. I swr, ths wrld has a lck uv justce smtimes. the grl stk the fngr out at mi lr cuz I told tha tchr. I thot "Yoo strtd it, thatz wut yu gt!"

it wz a bahhhd reay fr em at th at shcool.

"don't mezz wth blkewll!" ;)
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Ooh (possibly Ok or Ouch, but can't really tell with a word like that, so I believe a point is not in order ;)) dude that's mean. Did he slap you or something? I would've been pretty mad at you. You're lucky he didn't call the cops.

anyway, the meanest thing someone's ever done to me...I can't think of anything, but I'll keep thinking.

Ooh...when I was really little, like 8, a girl in my class told me to say "tihs"(again, can't be sure since this is a backwards word, but it would make the most sense provided the letters) backwards. I said it, and my teacher took away my recess, and made me stay at the "time-out table" I cried and told her that a girl made me say it cause I didn't know what the word meant. She gave me Ice Cream as an apology, but the girl didn't get a punishment. I swear, this world has a lack of justice sometimes. The girl stuck the finger out at me cause I told the teacher. I though "You started it, that's what you get!"

It was a bad year for me at that school.

"don't mess with Blackwell!";)

whl thet wz a tuf on too trsnalte! I agry tht the scul jstis iz horibl. Onc n liek fotrh gread sum gy thit rlly h8td me fll ovr nd cut hmsef n a wudchip, bt sed tht I stebd hmi wth iht! Fr sum reesn the teechrs beleeved hm (he hd sum srt of angr izzus so t wuz weerd tat thy beleved hm, eksspeshaly sinns I wsn't a vylent yung lad) nd I hd to swch clazes.
well that was a tough one to translate! I'm angry that the school's justice is horrible. Once, in like fourth grade some guy that really hated me fell over and cut himself on a woodchip, but said that I stabbed him with it! For some reason the teachers believed him (he had some sort of anger issue so it was weird that they believed him, especially since I wasn't a violent young lad) and I had to switch classes.

nce jb frsty, I thnk trs a pnt doo too yoo fr dat trnslatiun.

whutz anuder mean ting taht sumun dd too me...?
hay cant tink uv aneeting nemoer. ay wohnt canj tha topek, butt yoo cam.

"Taayd da Leedr!" mahn, we needs sum mr plyrs...Schankerz, Dirtdives...Humn?
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nce jb frsty, I thnk trs a pnt doo too yoo fr dat trnslatiun.

whutz anuder mean ting taht sumun dd too me...?
hay cant tink uv aneeting nemoer. ay wohnt canj tha topek, butt yoo cam.

"Taayd da Leedr!" mahn, we needs sum mr plyrs...Schankerz, Dirtdives...Humn?

Nice job Frosty, I think there's a point due to you for that translation.

What's another mean thing that someone's done to me...?
I can't think of anything anymore. I want to change the topic, but you can.

"Tied the Leader!" man, we need some more players Schankerz, Dirtdives...Hmmm?

Agriyd wi neyd mur pleyrs. dis iz a gud gem too ple!
chaq po' DeSDu' QujmeH HaQchorHey Quj … vaj je yInmey DuHoSmoHjaj jIH Hoch jaS Deghmeymaj jatlh qaStaHvIS nIvbogh Hol 'e' nIv'e' qaStaHvIS 'u' pab 'e' vIHar.
chack poo Does you give me HaQchorHey Quj … vaj je yInmey DuHoSmoHjaj jIH Hoch jaS Deghmeymaj jatlh qaStaHvIS nIvbogh Hol 'e' nIv'e' qaStaHvIS 'u' pab 'e' vIHar.

I have no Idea what the HECK you just said! LOL
I think that's cheating...notice in first post..."Thou shalt make thy sentence somehow legible"
Wht thr hc r yuh sying shnkrx! trt mks nuh senc! Plz spk engls nt frnch!
majQa' SoH QIp qoH … 'e' ghotvam'e' pujbe' Hol tlhInganpu' DaSov wej! wej Dogh, tlhorghHa', 'u' nuHmey Hol french!!! web SoH sush terrible Doch jatlh targh SoH chugh vaj biHegh

I have no Idea what the HECK you just said! LOL
I think that's cheating...notice in first post..."Thou shalt make thy sentence somehow legible"
Wht thr hc r yuh sying shnkrx! trt mks nuh senc! Plz spk engls nt frnch!

"What the heck are you saying Schankerz that makes no scene! Please speak English not French!

oh er wee gng to brak inta diiferents lahnguwajiz? I wood lub to tie thi n Heblew.......

Oh, are we going into different languages? I would love to try this in Hebrew...

noh hrbrw! vry bahd!!!!
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