Top Five Documentaries You Really Can't Afford To Miss!

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I've been on a Documentary Binge for a few months now, and I cant seem to stop watching them!!!!

Anyway, I've compiled my top ten Documentaries You Really Can't Afford To Miss! It has been extremely difficult trying to number these from best! (first) to Almost Best (tenth).

Sorry about the three posts, your only allowed 2 media links per post. didnt know.

Also, I would love to see what your top DOCUMENTARIES (ONLY) list is!



The Cove: This is by far the best Documentary I have ever seen and may ever see. Not only that, but It is the best film I have ever seen and trust me, i've seen a lot of movies. This film is based off of a secret ops mission lead by the man who started the industry of captive kept dolphins and whales, The man who trained the Flipper Dolphins. He goes to Japan to try and expose what is happening every year in a small town when the dolphins migrate. Each year a small group of people make millions of dollars capturing Dolphins for the entertainment industry. Only a few are taken, less than 20 usually, the other thousands that were captured are then pointlessly slaughtered.



Sharkwater: This was one of my first favorite Documentaries. A young photographer/filmer goes out to try and discover why people are fining sharks and just how much are being killed in a year. During the duration of the film over 15,000 sharks have been killed (by duration i just mean you watching it, not the creation of the production).


Bowling for columbine: Another Michael Moore masterpiece. This film focus' on why America has over 11,000 gun shooting deaths every year. It exposes very interesting information, some that everyone should know.



Sicko: No offense to any americans on the board, i really do love you guys, in fact my girlfriend is american! but this film really makes me very happy I dont currently live in america. Yes, every country has corruption to some degree, but this is really just sick and twisted. This film shows just how much corruption is in america, well a section of the corruption at least. This is a MUST SEE! Especially if you are an American.


Religulous: This is an absolutely incredible film. Religulous is about exploring the top populated religions out there and really just trying to find out why people believe in what they believe in. An eye opener for both believers and non.
MikyVengeance said:
I really really want to see Religulous :p

I'm going to go and try to rent it :D

It's really interesting! i;ve watched it t least.... 56 times... not lying...
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