U513's Halo Reach Carter Build - Finished!

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Looks great man. I'm doing my build now and this is giving my ideas xD

Quick question which may sound stupid: What kind of tool are you using to cut your foam? Are you using a scalpel or a craft knife and such?

Also, what kind of foam is the white foam covering some of your armor, is it EVA based? If so, what thickness is it?

Again, looks awesome, can't wait to see the finished project!
Looks great man. I'm doing my build now and this is giving my ideas xD

Quick question which may sound stupid: What kind of tool are you using to cut your foam? Are you using a scalpel or a craft knife and such?

Also, what kind of foam is the white foam covering some of your armor, is it EVA based? If so, what thickness is it?

Again, looks awesome, can't wait to see the finished project!

I've been chatting to U513 alot regarding his build, I think he's away right now but I can answer those questions for you.

For his cuts, he uses a surgeons blade / scalpel. He actually linked me to the exact one he purchased. Here the blade is, and here the spare blades are. Incase those links don't work, he uses a Swann Morton Retractaway handle No.3, and uses Swann Morton type 11 replacement blades.

As for his foam, I don't know exactly what brand he is purchasing, but if you're referring to the white foam over the thighs, that is just standard 2mm craft foam, very easy stuff to find.

Hope that answered your questions.

Looks great man. I'm doing my build now and this is giving my ideas xD

Quick question which may sound stupid: What kind of tool are you using to cut your foam? Are you using a scalpel or a craft knife and such?

Also, what kind of foam is the white foam covering some of your armor, is it EVA based? If so, what thickness is it?

Again, looks awesome, can't wait to see the finished project!
Yeap Spartan-420 has hit the nail on the head.

Im glad you are getting something out of this thread!

Should have colour on it soon so watch this space! Looking forward to you starting your own build. Its been a brilliant experience for me so far.
shins nearly done. Just need to add a few triangles and maybe another bit of blackwash.

Feedback please :D

should have the boots and maybe the forearms done tomorrow.
Thanks dude. Initially i was very unsure of the colour but thankfully, as you point out, it has turned out to be perfect. All it needed was a bit of black wash in the damaged areas, the nooks and crannies and its really added the contrasts I was looking for. Cant wait to start on the boots and forearms today! I will also try to finish my sword today as well.

I think I might give it another coat of black wash to get a few more hues of silver / grey in there to carry on that worn / well used look.

Spartans III's didn't live long enough for a second paint job im afraid :( :D
Fore arms and boots are done! the only thing I need to do on the forearms is air brush alittle bit of silver on the blue areas to give it that metallic effect but ill do that next time I have some silver in the air brush.


Left Boot

Right boot

Right forearm, I tired a little "silver wash" on the blue area and I am not sure of the result to be honest, so may not do that and just air brush a little silver on it for consistency.

Everything painted so far

Up next will be thighs and biceps/shoulders I reckon :D

Feedback, although not a requirement, is welcomed :D

...this is my first ever paint job so any tips and trick would be great!
Wow, looking good! if you can stay consistent with that paint job on the whole suit its gonna be looking pretty awesome! :D if you want a little dirty detail to it do a black wash, maybe a little brown - but really it looks pretty cool like that so its your choice.
Wow, the attention to detail in this build is astounding! You've done a great job bringing this thing from it's digital form into reality, and the effort you must have put in really shows! Great Work :) The paint job is slick too, very neat and I think it's a great colour scheme
I personally think the way it is at the moment looks perfect.

All the battle damage makes them look very realistic too.

Keep up the great work :)
Wow, looking good! if you can stay consistent with that paint job on the whole suit its gonna be looking pretty awesome! :D if you want a little dirty detail to it do a black wash, maybe a little brown - but really it looks pretty cool like that so its your choice.

I am thinking of brown washing some of the nooks and crannies around the boots and lower parts of the shins. I have yet to decide on that. Having looked at your helmet, I am leaning towards a yes. I think I need to sleep on it for a few more nights or until most of the suit is painted. I might just air brush it on.

Wow, the attention to detail in this build is astounding! You've done a great job bringing this thing from it's digital form into reality, and the effort you must have put in really shows! Great Work :) The paint job is slick too, very neat and I think it's a great colour scheme

I personally think the way it is at the moment looks perfect.

All the battle damage makes them look very realistic too.

Keep up the great work :)

@ All - Thanks guys. I have done a fair bit of black washing on the suit at the moment as the silver I have is bright silver so a light coat of black wash on that colour turns it into this steel grey but preserves the metallic shine which has been ideal. I am also glad that instead of cutting damage into my suit I used a dremel with a sanding bit because it has given the damages area a different texture as well as areas where the black wash loves to get stuck in.

I am air brushing almost everything apart from the finer details where i am brushing it on but purposefully having a strongish brush stroke texture to emphasis the detailed painting areas as I feel its something Carter would have added to his suit to personalize it.

In the process of painting the sword, biceps and shoulders now. Hoping to get them done soon. Just need to find a nice UNSC logo which isn't difficult to cut. Might have to get a sticker made and have that stuck on but that wont do the paint job justice I feel.

After these parts are completed, I will do the thighs and cod. The plan it not to paint over the plasti dip layers around the abs as I like the rubberyness of it and the different texture. It should make it look/feel like the under suit.

Thanks for all your feedback and motivation! Feel free to ask questions and pick my brains about what I am doing to air brush (its my frist time doing that too lol) . I plan on doing a little guide at some point for people who have never airbrushed which gives the facts and exactly what people need to do for it to work and how much paint is required. (I bought waaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
dude i love the damage :) keep up the greatness

Thanks dude, although the damage on carters legs isn't as bad, I wanted some on my suit to give it some character and some sort of history / battle hardened appearance.

been using the airbrush. Im loving the consistency in painting the whole suit it is giving. Its a very nice tool to use!

The biceps and shoulder are pretty much done. Need to put the UNSC logo on the right shoulder and add some paint scrapes on both. this will be followed buy a very light dusting of silver on the blue areas to give it a slight metallic tinge. I thought about mixing some silver in with the blue but I would have to mix all the paint I need at once to encoure consistency which isn't ideal so ill just spray it on. (after a test of course otherwise ill leave it as is.

I also started to paint the sword, the base colours are on but it needs a lot of detail work to match the suit. I added white stripes to echo the strips on carters suit and the plan is to have black and yellow caution tape stripes on the back with the wording "UNSC Prototype, Only to be deployed under winter contingency" ill also add a HNSC logo on the bit that covers the hand and some red stripes on somewhere too. I will wrap para cord around the handle and most likely paint it a yellow and black as well.

This image shows the consistency of paint I have been able to get from airbrushing.


I started in the cod and thighs today. I have added silver on the areas where It will slowly blend into the blue to continue the damage but reduce it as it goes towards the waist

As always feedback is much welcomed. Id love to hear what you guys think about the sword and the direction it could take.
Been working for a few hours today. here are the results. Both still need a fair bit of work but who knew painting was so time consuming!!!!
The plan is to have the thighs, COD, and ABS finished by sunday night. If I really motor along. I may also be able to finalize the right shoulder by adding the unsc logo.

thighs are ready to take some dark grey around the crouch area

I haven't yet black washed the blue area as I plan to lightly brush some silver on them and do any damage I want before I black wash the entire piece. That will be the final detailing of the whole suit. Here is everything stacked together.

OK, bit of a big update.

Finished off the forearms, biceps, shoulder, Thighs, Cod & abs. ( the cod needs 2 silver triangles painting on it which is no big deal)

First off, the forearms, shoulders and biceps. I have added silver brushed grazing on the forearms to make them look used.

Added the UNSC logo to the right shoulder (that was a difficult one, took a long time) as well as some silver grazing

Added the white stripe and black detailing on the left shoulder.

Applied silver grazing to the COD and also painted the pouch on the back. Still need to hide some orange bits with another coat of black paint but that's no biggy. Its only visible if you are looking from bottom up and are 2 feet tall.

Thighs have had all the work done, airbrushed a bit of detail in the grey areas.

Applied black wash to everything too.

Feedback please

Hoping to start on the chest today :D

This is great. The way you have painted this has really brought the build to life. Good job sticking with it to, there are very few builds in y time on the forums that have actually come to fruition.
Thanks mate, it was a long time ago when I put knife to foam and feels great to now be painting and have Zero cutting left to do. I have been very happy with the left of detail the paint had allowed me to bring out. The piece I am least happy with is the COD as it's shape is nothing like reach and maybe something I look to amend in the future. Took Sunday off, felt I needed to, to make sure I didn't burn myself out. Masking up the chest and attachments today so I can have it ready for paint on Tuesday.
Your suit looks outstanding, if i can manage to eek out half the quality in mine ill be happy.
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