Vacuum forming visors

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Okay, lets start by saying im trying to create an accurate Mark 6 visor without doing the old double up method.
Since im a newb, i can only post new topics in the "Noob Forum". Otherwise i would have pit it in "Creation Discussion".
I was going to try the Vacumm Forming method, using a "Legendary Edition" visor.
Now heres where im stuck, as you can see these two pictures here..
visor2.png going to fill the insides of this visor to make the mould.
But before i probably destroy it, i was wanting to ask what i should fill it with. Im asking because im afraid it being stuck on the inside and being impossible to get out.

i was thinking modeling clay, but im afraid of that being to soft..
You dont have to 'fill' this with anything. You just need it propped up so the plastic will form around it. A block of wood would work nice in this case. As long as that plastic can stand a little pressure, i dont think you need to.

But before you even bother trying, will that visor fit your helmet? Remember, the legendary helmet it not scaled to you or scaled to the game model. If its small it wont work but you can always cut it down if its big.
acually i modified a Legendary Helmet to make it warable and it fits me perfectley.

and as for forming plastic around it, you mean the front of it right?
if so than no, it will be slightly bigger than the original if i do it that way.
im actually trying to copy the original visor mould they used for the helmet,

heres a thought i just had, id throw clay or something on the front of it, dries, take it off, fill inside if the clay mould with something, dries, take the clay mould off, then you have a mould for the damn visor? :S

oh i wish i had access to the machines they used to mass produce the damn helmets
Oh i thought you were trying to vacuum form it. If your making a mold i think that would work. You might want to spray some cooking oil or something like that on it so you can pop the clay off easier.
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