Veterans Day

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Road Kill

Sr Member
Hey 405th this is Road Kill,
So as you all know that it's Veterans Day and i would like to say thank you to all of the Veterans out there and anybody else on the 405th that has served and is still in the Military.
Thank you to all Veterans :)
I joined the U.S. Marines in 2002. I got out in 2006. And I was recalled in 2009. I am now officially finished with my service.
Im glad I joined. It gave me a world perspective and a sense of pride and duty. Its definately something I would never take back. Of course I would never go through boot camp again, lol. That Sh#$ was hard.
you read my mind by making this thread, yes many thanks to allthose who have and are serving. with out you we would all be ash or worse one of those damn dirty nazi...
Yes, thank you all that have served. You are all very brave and are an inspiration to us all. I have not been in the military, but have many close friends that have, and I know that you men and women have made sacrifices that most of us would never dream of. Thanks again.
In Canada and the other Commonwealth countries, its Remembrance day. We wear a red poppy to remember those who have served.
To all veterans, thank you from the bottom of my heart for serving our country and sacrificing time away from your families and friends to protect the ones that I hold dear and the freedom that so many of us take for granted. Freedom isn't free, there is a price. and the men and women of our armed forces who are deployed pay that price every day. Happy veterans day and God bless you all.
Thank you

Yes, thank you. Too often we take for granted the freedoms that we enjoy, and the sacrifices that have been made for that freedom. Thank you to all who have served and to those that continue to serve. Thank you most of all to those who have given their lives in service to this country; you have made the ultimate sacrifice that we may continue to live as we do, and in many cases to offer others the same opportunity. You are not forgotten.

In memory of friend and former supervisor USMC Reserve SSgt David G. Ries, KIA Nov 8, 2004, Anbar Province, Iraq.

Thank you.
Thanks, soldiers. You are all true men and a credit to an otherwise decaying generation. Your actions and deeds inspire not only myself, but American youth across the entire world. You are truly the knights of the modern age. I pray that God will bless every single one of you and will bring you all home safely. Godspeed!

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
I joined the U.S. Marines in 2002. I got out in 2006. And I was recalled in 2009. I am now officially finished with my service.
Im glad I joined. It gave me a world perspective and a sense of pride and duty. Its definately something I would never take back. Of course I would never go through boot camp again, lol. That Sh#$ was hard.

well thanks you
A happy belated thank you to all of those who have and who are still serving in the Military.
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