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New Member
Got sick of sanding so I started playing with colors and battle damage. It looks orange in the pictures but in real life it is candy apple red. Need to find a good gold. Couldnt find any in the shop that night.
Deleted the bad pictures took this one in the sun light better potrays the true color. Got some gold paint will probably resmooth the surfaces and paint to true Iron Man colors tonight if time allows. Not to bad a helm for my first ever attempt. Or at least I think so anyways.
pretty sweet. the dattle damaged is a bit peculiar though. not the color but the cuts. i just cant imagine how that might happen to a metal mask. try do more knicks and long scratches rather than deep curvy gouges. imagine the debris that would skate off the metal if i bomb blew up in his face.
Thanks for the tips. I was basicly just really sick of sanding that night and wanted to do something fun with it. Ill end up filling em all in and repainting. Just made me feel better to see it in a color besides bondo pink. :cool:
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