War Machine Armor Build - (Iron Man 2) -W.i.p

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STEALTH, Awesome looking suit!! How do you do it, what's your secret to pepping so fast!?!? Do you have a plotter to cut for you? I pretty much start pepping from the time I am home from work, and quit @ 10pm to go to bed and do it all over again the next day, I feel I have no social life lol since I have started at the beginning of April!?!?
MxRacer476 said:
STEALTH, Awesome looking suit!! How do you do it, what's your secret to pepping so fast!?!? Do you have a plotter to cut for you? I pretty much start pepping from the time I am home from work, and quit @ 10pm to go to bed and do it all over again the next day, I feel I have no social life lol since I have started at the beginning of April!?!?

hehe no plotter/cutter, I wish

I get home at 11pm then maybe work on some stuff for 2-3 hours then go to bed sometimes.

but some nights I usually just watch a movie while I cut out all the pieces of a part then go to then do something else like some pushups/pullups so I dont become a lazy ass then shower then surf online for a bit or chat. If Finhead is on, I'll bug him a bit lol

I can't work on it all night since it burns me out like anyone else.

Just use the technique of cutting out pieces of a part one day and assemble then the next day.

Don't let it own you or overwhelm you by trying to cram it all in.

I'll admit if I want the part done I'll finish it in a sitting but not always.

also always keep a sharp blade on hand. I have a 100pack (from the art store) of blades.So every 2-3 parts I pep, I use a new blade and it helps me cut faster. I also dont use a ruler so I dont waste time lining up the ruler to the line to guide my cuts. You should try that, its not so bad and once you get good at freehand cutting it just becomes easier and easier without the ruler.

If you want the suit that badly, just focus, stay motivated and finish it and then you can relax and actually get to the fun part.

Visualize the end goal with is the suit you see in my pic in progress stages.

Also build up a statue type thing like me and others have done.

It's more motivating to look at that and being able to keep adding to that statue instead of adding to a pile of pepped parts that doesn't look like anything other than a pile of pepped parts.

That's all I can really say man, Good luck
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Right and Left Thighs...Check!

I have to make some serious custom supports before strengthening them though. They are wobbly at the moment.

Shins next..


Hmm maybe a tiny bigger. It just the angle of the pic.


I looked at a normal angle

You're right. Ill try to scale them up a bit or just modify The ones I have. Thanks man
MxRacer476 said:
STEALTH, Awesome looking suit!! How do you do it, what's your secret to pepping so fast!?!? Do you have a plotter to cut for you? I pretty much start pepping from the time I am home from work, and quit @ 10pm to go to bed and do it all over again the next day, I feel I have no social life lol since I have started at the beginning of April!?!?

I do the same thing with my peps(if you substitute work for school). I have been increasing the speed of my peps since I first started in January, so Im pretty sure within time, you'll be as fast or even faster than right now.
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ugh...its you.

You followed me here. Oh no... :(

just kidding Iza lol. Good to see you :)

wah! i did not!i was teleported here. LOL.
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I was kinda lazy and didn't start working on the Shins until a lot later that I wanted so I got only one shin done. :(

I made some modifications and custom cutting and gluing after it was built because I usually do that for comfort that way I dont have to do it when its strengthened in plastic.

I also shortened the knee cap area as I felt it was way to tall and it was overlapping the thigh too much and cut it to where it joined the bottom of the thigh opening slot made for the kneecap nicely.

It does fit along with the thigh,

Heres how they look joined together

Sweet jesus man.

You sir are a pepping machine. Shame Neither of us Will have our suits done in time. We could arrange to hit the Imax together :) (oh like that wouldn't draw attention)
yeah I have some tech worked out for the suit in terms of the guns,

I had ordred some things a long while back even before I started this build.

I'll post what I'm gonna do with that when the times comes. :)
VERY nice build! i started my War Machne, and I have a question for you.

What did you do to size the chest and backpiece? did u input the same ratios?
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