War Machine Armor

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I personally think making the gat gun out of raw materials... like that tut JUICE posted would be easier then pepping that file. It is crazy detailed. But then again it could be fun. I can't wait to see what JUICE has for us.
Has anyone decided what they are going to do for the actual hand part? Anyone find a glove that could work, or pep files?
ironerd said:
Has anyone decided what they are going to do for the actual hand part? Anyone find a glove that could work, or pep files?

You dont need pepakura for everything you do on a costume.

This is what you do.

Go to RiteAid buy a pair of black gloves $3

Go to Wal Mart buy 5 black foamies 40 cent each

Go online find a nice pic of Iron Man's hand, cut the shapes out you see and hot glue it to the glove.

It wont take long. It will only take a hour out of your time

You'll have alot of movement in your hand. And if you do it right it will look good.

I dont have a close up picture of the hand, but the is the costume I did it with

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Thanks Heavy Artillery. I have a pep for the glove also. I may just use the knuckles from it and glue them to a glove.. but your idea seems to be great also.

remember my od school marine armor from 2008? That lower leg padding was all Foam. The shoulder armor? Foam.

Foam is really great to work with, it's light, it's flexible (depending on what you buy) and cheaper than buying another tub of bondo for your suit. Our ODST armor that's been redone has foam leggings, forearms, and lower stomach pieces. Actually my dead space armor is 100% foam.
ironerd said:
Thanks Heavy Artillery. I have a pep for the glove also. I may just use the knuckles from it and glue them to a glove.. but your idea seems to be great also.


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dubean33 said:
I am not sure what the logo on the left bicep is exactly but i assume its another military branch emblem/logo.

The emblem on the right arm is the AF Materiel Command Shield.


The detail spent on the war machine armor militaristic wise is awesome.
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Good find Jam! yeah i agree, the details are fantastic. makes to very authentic.

as for the War Machine gloves, i am going with an old pair of lacrosse gloves i had from high school.


i think they'll work just fine, and allow for pretty decent range of motion. what do you guys think?
Rather soon here I plan to be making some ironman/warmachine gloves. Seeing as how I'm not the best with 3d modeling, Im just doing it the old fashioned way with card stock, scissors, n glue. I'll somehow get them out there and you guys can all modify it as you need to. Keep ya posted.
Thanks for posting these! I was making a War Machine last year and had to store it in the basement for a little while I was moving and the moisture destoryed the armor I pepped. I haven't done anything since. This has me really pumped. I'm starting the helmet now. This is great thanks again Juice! :D
I was always wondering why the Marvel Select figure doesnt have the shoulder rockets. But I finally found out why. Because its a hidden weapon. Look at War Machine's left shoulder.


It opens from that bulky colar piece.

Does that mean your gonna have to remake the chest, JUICE?
No just means we need to get creative. :) There's lots of room under those shoulder, I just finished building mine good for mods and all sorts of goodies. :)
dubean33 said:
so you're starting a War Machine build then Finhead?

Two actually, one for me (need something to pep inbetween work on the IM) and one for my brother. He'll be doing the pep for his though. :p Everyone need a War Machine suit next their Iron Man suit don't they. ;)
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Finhead said:
Two actually, one for me (need something to pep inbetween work on the IM) and one for my brother. He'll be doing the pep for his though. :p Everyone need a War Machine suit next their Iron Man suit don't they. ;)

I agree 100% :pMy build is going alright so far too but my bicep piece was too small so I'm scaling it up and trying again.

Me and my twin brother (Vyronix) are working on Iron Man and War Machine if you didn't know already.
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knivash said:
[attachment=14990:DSC03766.JPG][attachment=14991:DSC03764.JPG]HEy guys..thanks for appreciating my foamies..actually its based on pepakura itself. since we are not used to make molds out of resins or puttys,we are using this rubber foam.but the accuracy is not that good unlike the ones your making..here's my latest pix..

Hey Knivash,

If you have time and more photos, I am really hoping you will create a thread dedicated to your costume. Ever since I saw how to make armor with foamies on a Predator website, I love using the stuff. It is how I plan on making my War Machine as well. I would love to hear about how you assembled it, what you used to paint it etc.
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