Warning if you use school computers

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colmon 9

Well-Known Member
If you use school computers DO NOT BYPASS THE BLOCK they have on some websites. I learned the hard way (lost interenet privliges for a the rest of the year). So use this as a lesson lol
also dont try going to myspace. idk wtf the girls at our school go to that website that helps you get to websites. its stupid... the school has sicurity codes and what not that know where u've been!
easy way to route around security blocks is to use the Alta Vista translation page and just set it to "English to English" then you can view whatever you want and it only comes up on the schools security as you using the Alta Vista translator
zeronifty said:
easy way to route around security blocks is to use the Alta Vista translation page and just set it to "English to English" then you can view whatever you want and it only comes up on the schools security as you using the Alta Vista translator

Yup that's the best way
i do it all the time xD
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wow, today they had an anouncement that said dont be like "some kids" dont try it etc etc etc

and in an un related event 4 of the upidy up kids tried it to and lost there privleges:lol:
if you want to bypass the firewall, while not going to a proxy then do this

I cant guarantee that this will work, my school dodnt figure it out till someone ratted us out so if might work!

go to tools: --- internet options --- connections tab---- click on LAN settings ---- and deselect BOTH boxes under proxy settings.... click apply and then ok and

it should be bypassed----

unless your school has already wisened up and corrected this prob...
Well they stopped minding about this at our school. Somehow when they put up limits whe always found a backway :p
Maybe due i'm in a multimedia class xD
odd, the 405th works fine on my school computers.........it isn't blocked at all :) But this year my school wisened up. Now we can't get on Youtube or Google video and we can't even change the background! :(
lol, my friend lost internet privileges for putting a link to the logoff in the open share (folder that can be viewed from all computers) and changed the icon to a guy that looks like the joker and named it "Batman Game"
C 4468 said:
lol, my friend lost internet privileges for putting a link to the logoff in the open share (folder that can be viewed from all computers) and changed the icon to a guy that looks like the joker and named it "Batman Game"
who was that? andrew?
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Yeah, when you mess with computers (especially at my school (tech school)) people tend to get...
Thankfully the 405th isn't blocked at my school.
Unfortunately, photobucket is.
So if anyone posts pictures from photobucket I can't see them at school.
Oh well...
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