We need a slogan

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1. 405th - Spartans Never Die!
2. 405th - Hey, Even Chuck Norris Needs A Body Guard
3. 405th - Costing Good Guys' Their Jobs and Girlfriends Since 2005
4. 405th - The Dark Side is for Wimps!
5. 405th - 8 years to be a spartan - I kicked Reggie's Ass and took his name

Come up with a couple.
I've got one I put on my 405th logo idea...

405th - Where Spartans are Born

405th - Where Spartans are Created

405th - A Spartan's #1 Respawn Point
6. 405th - Spartans without a job
7. 405th - THE place for Costume building
8. 405th - Feel the force John...
9. 405th - No waving of hands here...
10. 405th - Kicking ass in plastic suite's since 2005
1. 405th- Spratans come from 405th UNSC.
2. 405th- Say What!!!!!
3. 405th- Get tactical Spartans.
4. 405th- Why be anywhere else!
5. 405th- Tonight we dine in Hell!
6. 405th- I don't know what you've been told, Spartans are good as Gold.
7. 405th- Learn to be the Best.
405th- We have dancing kitty's
(just kidding :p)

Let's see..

405th - Armor Evolved

405th - AI + Armor = Ownage

405th - This town ain't big enough for the two of us (501st ;))
405th - Spartans, Legendary Heroes

405th - Where heroes are born and legends are made
(the last one has a double meaning, seeing as we create our own armor here)
(Swiped this one from Annapolis the movie btw, seems like it applied)

405th - Where legends are made and heroes are born
(reversed to avoid confusion)
Spase said:
405th - Where heroes are made and legends are born
(the last one has a double meaning, seeing as we create our own armor here)

I like that one man.

It ...in my mind really represents us.

What do you guys think?
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1. Spartans were here first
2. We are the best
3. Spartans are man made Gods
4. Fight to be a Spartan
5. Our Infinite Struggle to be... Spartans
6. Pull the trigger if you dare..
7. Run to the hills before its too late
8. Take this Oath to be part of... the 405th
9. Spartans don't sleep, we wait
10. The sun doesn't rise for the 405th
405th - The Halo Costumers Armory

405th - The Halo Armor Community

405th - Homemade Heroes

405th - MAstur Cheef PAperkins!
405th - We don't just create Spartans.. we are Spartans.

(refering to creating costumes and becoming spartans ourselves)
1. 405th.com - all we need now is an energy shield
2. 405th.com - Who needs CloneTroopers?
3. 405th.com - Where dreams are made... from fiberglass and plastic.
4. 405th.com - The best thing since Bungie.

I'll come up with more later.
spartan -1 Caboose said:
1. 405th.com - all we need now is an energy shield
2. 405th.com - Who needs CloneTroopers?
3. 405th.com - Where dreams are made... from fiberglass and plastic.
4. 405th.com - The best thing since Bungie.

I'll come up with more later.
Haha, I like No.1 and 4. :)
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405th: A non-prophet organization
(Eh? Ya get it? No it's not a spelling error, it's a pun.)

405th: First to Advance, Last to Retreat

405th: Where Legends Live
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