New Member
Thanks for posting the extensive pics of this awesome costume. I agree with the comment on the Bungie web site, this is an example of a human hiding inside the body of an alien creature.
Hats off to Matt Asanuma, the cosplayer, who with his brother Mike, designed and fabricated this costume. I think that Matt must be an "indian-rubber-man" or a super contortionist, to be able to move like that. It seems to me he had to learn to walk from scratch, while using arm and leg extensions and a sort of puppet head piece with which he controlled the angle of the elite head, opened the mouth, etc. Did he have some controls that he could affect the puppet head with his chin or lower jaw?
I suspect that he has to have a "elite squire" to help him get into this costume and armor, contorted as he is in the full costume. Would that be his brother Mike?
Here are some suggestions to all that wish to try them:
1. Use eye-tap devices with cameras mounted on the top of the false head, so the player would see stereo vision of the scene without revealing the location of his real head. Dr Steve Mann has written much on this subject and coined the term "EyeTap" see http://www.eyetap.org
2. Extend the length of the second joint of the dog leg further back to look more realistic.
3. Attach the armor so that it stays put when arms and legs are spread out. Some of the pics show large separations between body and armor when the Elite is aroused!
Let us see your progress in development of similar costumes.
Hats off to Matt Asanuma, the cosplayer, who with his brother Mike, designed and fabricated this costume. I think that Matt must be an "indian-rubber-man" or a super contortionist, to be able to move like that. It seems to me he had to learn to walk from scratch, while using arm and leg extensions and a sort of puppet head piece with which he controlled the angle of the elite head, opened the mouth, etc. Did he have some controls that he could affect the puppet head with his chin or lower jaw?
I suspect that he has to have a "elite squire" to help him get into this costume and armor, contorted as he is in the full costume. Would that be his brother Mike?
Here are some suggestions to all that wish to try them:
1. Use eye-tap devices with cameras mounted on the top of the false head, so the player would see stereo vision of the scene without revealing the location of his real head. Dr Steve Mann has written much on this subject and coined the term "EyeTap" see http://www.eyetap.org
2. Extend the length of the second joint of the dog leg further back to look more realistic.
3. Attach the armor so that it stays put when arms and legs are spread out. Some of the pics show large separations between body and armor when the Elite is aroused!
Let us see your progress in development of similar costumes.