What beatings can a spartan take?

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Most can't survive a slip-space rupture.....:'(

150 kicks in the groin, 237 T-bags from a kindergartener, a 540 kick to the face, and hit by ten fully loaded tracter-trailers, and getting banned from xbl and bungie.

Does your keyboard have a key on it that says win?
Weellll, definitely not a tap on the shoulder/back. ASSASSINATE!

A few years developing high tech armor for nothing. :(
a supersonic jump from a crashing pelican(Halo:First Strike novel)

Getting explosivly slingshot through a cave roof(Halo:Ghosts of Onyx)

Having extremities blown off(Halo:Reach and Halo:Fall of Reach)

crashing into the In Amber Clad's superstructure(Halo:2)

Jumping from a few milenia old Forerunner warship on Earth atmosphere entry(Halo:3)
They can survive as much as the shield and the titanium can basically, even re-entry to the atmosphere. Im pretty sure to use the G-25 or whatever airfoil carapiece, a spartan is launched from space, and then undergoes re-entry, and the sudden pull, of going from hundreds of MPH, to a much slower parachute fall, then the landing. I wonder how much the parafoil can take considering spartans weigh 1,000 pounds. I was actually thinkin of modelin the backpack thing the parafoil deploys from. its like 6 feet long.
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