What Does Your Username Mean?

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Mine pretty easy. The first time I played Halo 3 online, I picked up a Splaser, and in my first match, got a triple kill on a warthog. After the game, we were trash talking because I got around 12-13 kills with only a laser, and the other team was making fun of me for only using a Splaser saying stuff like, you only killed us because you were using a power weapon the whole time. I was tlling the to stfu because you got lasered noob. After that, I made my friends motto, "I love to laser noobs". When I made my own account, I just put x's before and after lasernoobs andmade that my name. Its been my email, and user name at ZapZone ever since.
Anybody know of an older online game known as Ragnarok? Well that was the name of my first gunslinger and it was the easiest character to remake whenever I switched servers, as opposed to my origonal biochemist. with the sucsessive moves, the name has slowly became my trademark. I admit that it's initial creation was a little influenced by the game Gun Griffion, but I never actually got far in that game. It's also part of the reason that I love terran mech.
My name comes from my character's name on star wars galaxies. Originally, it was Burns Wennapee. later the game developers removed my last name. not bacause of the sexual reference, but because i guess there is a tribe of native americans with the same spelling. I have been unable to find this tribe on google, so i think they were just giving me the runnaround.
But, a lot of my online friends still call me Burns and some of my IRL friends have picked it up as well.
I got SWPixy because I remember back in my old squadron we used to do meetings every moning for wing staff and deciding what to do with our wing. Well one day I walked into the briefing room holding like 6 Pixy sticks and my 1st Sgt. Seen me holding them and started calling me Pixy. The SW is an abbriviation for Solo Wing, my friend played Ace Combat Zero alot and one day we were playing Ace High II and I landed a plane with only one wing [damn hard] and he was like "Dude! I can call you Solo Wing Pixy now!" And at first I didn't understand but when he brought up my nickname and then he explained I understood and ever since then it's kinda stuck xD
idk wht mine means, i have used it for so long. i started using it on youtube, it was meant to b union13 cuz i was 13 when i started, but someone already had it. so i added a 1 and it just stuck. i want ed it to b union cuz i expected a lot of people to watch my vids, but i need a camera
Obviously mine is a bit odd....

You take the BADDEST soon-to-be HOF goalie in the NHL


CUrtis JOseph = Cujo + 31 his jersey number

So ya get Cujo3131

gotta love some NHL hockey....


:) Maybe I need snarling dog teeth on my ODST helmet :)

Tazzy is my nickname as Taz so I add zy to make it girly I used to be xmwsizzle or xwwsizzle because of ghost recon game name :)
my name is based on my gamertag, which is pretty much a joke once I think about it- I randomly combined haxor and noob, and yet I am neither.
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