What makes you and your friends "unique" halo fans

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Member DIN
Let me know, why are you guys unique compared to other halo fans?

Kinda a survey on how big of halo fans you guys are.
Ok heres a list dont get all freaked out..

i preordered all 3 editions of halo 3

i got a halo 3 zune

i have all the items from the bungie store

i have a boxart of halo 1 enlarged to poster size in my room

i have halo 2 collectors and regulars

i have halo 2 and 3 posters

i have watched every halo 3 video on youtube

i have 6 copies of halo 1 and 2 regular edition and 3 copies of collectors. 3 copies of halo 3 preordered

i preordered the halo 3 action figures

i preordered halo remotes

i preordered halo 3 xbox 360
I know a LOT about Halo, I own every game (except for 3, of course), started my own fan-story and I play H2 MP every time I'm at my friends house.
im taking the initiative to build my armor instead of relying on someone else to build it for me. and ive gained quite a bit of experience so far, and im quite pleased.

i preordered H3
Buying things doesn't make you a bigger fan... it just makes you a more profitable consumer! ;-)

Well, how's this for starters... I walked away from a pretty successful career in Sculpture and Exhibit design... I worked for Yale, for the Smithsonian... and now I make Halo armor and props and work at a Halo LAN center.... Halo just sort of took over my life slowly but surely over the course of a few years whether I liked it or not... I don't know exactly how it became more important and interesting to me than my career, but it did... :unsure:
I fell in love with Halo the first time I saw it, which was a few days after it came out. My brother's friend brought it over and we had just bought an Xbox. I saw them play it and I played it AT LEAST once every week since then. I've played for days on end...late nights...early mornings...I've hosted mulitple, multiple LAN's at my home...I have all the books and have read them so much the covers have fell off (no lie for real my Fall of Reach book broke :roll: )...I have XBL and play that most every day...I register and check daily sites like HBO and this one here...I've had a B.net account for 4 years now...I have written a few long fan fics...I even did illustrations for Sir Brilliant's fanfic over at B.net...I buy most anything Halo...If I had to measure it, I'd say 40-50 percent of these last 6 years has been in some way associated with Halo.

Holy Crap, I'm so addicted *sob*......
ok...i used to hate halo.. :$ops: dont hate me for it!!!, i had never played before and dident know about the whole up down left right thing(used to left right from Zelda), and my halo crazy freind would always pwn me, but then i started to get into it once i read about the rich and unique storyline it had, then when i got my own 360(first played it on xbox with fat controllers) i started to get gud and p0wned the friend that used to p0wn me, now im even doing things like coming to this site and making my own armor, and OF COARSE i preordered halo 3(8.21.07)
Few years ago all my friends would all get together every few months and play Halo 2 all night. When I started going I really sucked at it (aka "How to I shoot? Nevermind, I'm dead")

My bestfriend at the time let me borrow his XBox and Halo 2 so I could get better.

Month later we had another party, I was the most dominant force there - and they kicked me out of the group.

...good times
Two years ago, I was in a field class in the Rockies for six weeks with no internet, TV, or air conditioner.

First thing I did when I got back. Kicked my friend's ass on H2 via system link. :eyepatch:
-Instead of working on my AP Art final, I draw Master Chief in class. (Ok, that was just stupid on my part)

-If no one is on Halo, I'll play slayer... by myself. I always beat me. :evil:

-I've played campiagn for Halo and Halo 2 about 7+ times each.
-I got my non-gamer dad into Halo.

I bought Halo not too long ago actually. I played it the first time with my friend and loved it. :) It was the first game I bought for my 360. then I bought Halo 2.
Sarge Christi said:
-Instead of working on my AP Art final, I draw Master Chief in class. (Ok, that was just stupid on my part)

-If no one is on Halo, I'll play slayer... by myself. I always beat me. :evil:

-I've played campiagn for Halo and Halo 2 about 7+ times each.
-I got my non-gamer dad into Halo.

I bought Halo not too long ago actually. I played it the first time with my friend and loved it. :) It was the first game I bought for my 360. then I bought Halo 2.

Beat me by a long shot
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to tell you the truth im probably no different then any other halo fan.
I'm a big enough halo fan to make all 3 sets of mjolnir armor. (in due time anyway)
Due to my dad's hate for microsoft, i cannot buy an xbox360.
but i bought vista and halo 2 straight away as soon as they came out. just like halo 1.
I am a unique halo fan because I just am, I'm that crazy that I don't even need to explain. JK

uhhhhhh, ya, I just like halo because, but I'm not a crazy people who have no life and spends all of there time doing halo things, NO OFFENSE!!!!!!, I just really have no time because I play sports.
What makes me a unique halo fan?

That's a tough one. I don't think I'm that unique.... But I have read the books about 3 times each, gone through the graphic novel a half dozen times, beaten every level of Halo solo on every difficulty on the X-Box I won right after I started at my University and am still working my way through Halo 2.... I bought a 360 and a HDTV not just because I wanted them and Halo 3, but because I'm starting to acquire personal belongings for moving out of my fraternity house.

So far I've spent about 36 hours reading up on all the information here and abroad about developing your own costume armor, acquiring and familiarizing myself with Pepakura, scaling and tweaking the ODST files so that I can print them.... Then failing to save the microsoft print file correctly. >,<. I've developed a logo for the ODST division of the 405th, am working on versions for the marines and Spartans, come up with the ODST creed from the Paratrooper's creed....

I frequent the Bungie forums, have read a lot of the fan works for Halo that are out there (good and bad), have watched 60% of RvB, am trying to find other Halo machinima in my free time, and am slowly writing something based in the Haloverse.

Yeah, sure, I've bought all the Halo games and a lot of the other gear, but.... Eh. That's not exceptional. A lot of people that just like the game for what's in the game have done likewise.

Of all my friends "IRL," I probably know the most about the expanded halo universe.
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