Wombat does something productive for once


Active Member
Hello everyone! Finally getting around to posting a build thread after lurking since 2009. My kit started as the Titlewave Mk VII set and i started it January 1st, and finished right on time for Akon Dallas. Over time i started making changes and upgrades and overall made everything more comfortable and i can now wear it for 16 hours with no issues! I'm planning on updating this as i make more changes to my armor.

I was struggling with some really bad banding at the time so the Helmet gas these very visible grooves. I managed to sand them down and cover them up really well but theres still areas that stand out really badly, but i rather remake my helmet at that point.



I had no mirror for the leg pics at the time so you get this blurry pic


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proof ive earned my keep in the sanding mines

Brief stint in Red Team

The black is just brushed on black apple barrel but it gave me a really nice texture
unnamed (1).jpg

Turns out these boots were horrible and I've since upgraded to some really nice side zips

I dont have any pictures of the rest of the painting progress, but i fully gave up on chipping the paint. In fact theres still lots of dried mustard under my paint.

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View attachment 338361
proof ive earned my keep in the sanding mines
View attachment 338362

Brief stint in Red Team
View attachment 338363View attachment 338364View attachment 338365View attachment 338366

The black is just brushed on black apple barrel but it gave me a really nice texture
View attachment 338367View attachment 338368View attachment 338369

Turns out these boots were horrible and I've since upgraded to some really nice side zips
View attachment 338370

I dont have any pictures of the rest of the painting progress, but i fully gave up on chipping the paint. In fact theres still lots of dried mustard under my paint.
View attachment 338371

View attachment 338372
What's the thigh pouch you're rocking?
What's the thigh pouch you're rocking?

This is the pouch I’m using. The pockets are nice and deep, but it didn’t wrap around like I wanted it to so I cut the top straps off. In hindsight I probably should have just ran the straps around the back of the thigh. Would have looked cleaner. It’s Velcro’d in place
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