X-01 Power Armor build


Yep, I’m going to make full scale X-01 Power armor from Fallout 4.

I plan to give it a gunner paint job, with military green and a white star on the center. The eyes will have diffused red LEDs for a more intimidating look.

To capture the scale appropriately, which is about 7 feet, I am building a pair of drywall stilts into the shin and boot armor. These stilts will give me necessary 16.5” lift to bring me to 7 feet tall. Ideally, the scale of the armor will work with me being stilted in it.


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Tonight I completed the initial construction of the left shin. As always with the first piece of a new build, there were a few errors and changes made along the way. In order to fit the stilt into this, I will need to remove the foot of the stilt and reattach it after the frame of the stilt is put through the shin armor.

Next, I will assemble the left boot. Before I continue beyond the legs, I want to ensure the stilt idea will be as successful as I’m anticipating it to be.


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I finished the first boot. With a bit of manipulation, the stilt does fit into the shin. It stretches the piece a bit, but I’m not going to worry about it. When I’m ready to fully secure it in, I’ll adhere the stilts to the foam. I’m building the thigh next, and that will really determine if this particular stilt will work for this build


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That. Is. AWESOME!!!

That suit it legitimately imposing, where did you get your files for it? How do you plan to don and doff it, how heavy is it. I've got so many questions :lol:
That. Is. AWESOME!!!

That suit it legitimately imposing, where did you get your files for it? How do you plan to don and doff it, how heavy is it. I've got so many questions :lol:
These file came from CGTrader, by the look of them they were scanned from the threezero 1/6 scale collectable but I have done a fair bit of modding to the mesh's to make them look more like in game & to fit my body better.

As for Don & doffing a cool suit torso with harness clips & press studs made for this costume was what I have in mind so far. just to keep the weight a little more distributed over my torso, parts of the armor attachments ideas came from "SaturdayMorningProps" Ironman Youtube video.

Weight- well its half printed with 0% infill where its not going to be banged around much but the torso armor is super heavy at the moment(when printing the parts they didnt feel that heavy but once assembled & had filler(bondo) that changed quick, I may have to cut out around the neck behind the chest & replace it with EVA foam or reprint it again with 5% infill & make the mesh thinner.

After making an N7 armor I thought this would be a fun build & I am loving every minute of it...even the sanding.
After a bit of mounting, sanding, filling, and rigging, I was successfully walk around in the stilts with the shins and boots. Before I attach the thighs and complete the illusion, I need to construct the lower abdomen area and rig the thighs to it. This will be by next step.

Once the main suit is completed, I’ll make a new thread about rigging in large suits, and how I am doing it for this power armor.

I’m also planning to do a primaris space marine in the future, so if anybody wants to get together to do a 40K cosplay group let me know!


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Yeah looking sweet, how are the stilts for comfort?...Im waiting for my stilts but they have been sent to the wrong state, they only need to go 100km LoL, Im up to the lower torso myself & rigging the thighs too. Update pics will be on my thread soon.
Yeah looking sweet, how are the stilts for comfort?...Im waiting for my stilts but they have been sent to the wrong state, they only need to go 100km LoL, Im up to the lower torso myself & rigging the thighs too. Update pics will be on my thread soon.
As far as comfort goes, they’re okay. Not the greatest thing ever and I’m sure at a con I’m going to need a few breaks. I’m gonna have to add extra cushion to the brackets on the sides because those are the straps that are the least comfortable, but arguably the most important for stability.

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