Jr Member
i'm sorry you're having to go through all that LeadingSpartan, though i dont know what you're going through, and Christi, it's cool that you want to go help those kids even though it has obviously inconvenienced you quite a bit, but i'm going through a lot of serious **** right now as well
what's basically happening...:
-my 360 broke due to what may very well be the new RRoD
-it broke right before thanksgiving break so that's 5 days of having nothing to do
-it took a full week for my box to send it to microsoft in to arrive
-although they said i'd get it back in 3-5 weeks, i doubt it due to the box's late arrival, meaning i probly won't be getting it back in time for christmas, so anything i get for my 360 i won't even be able to use for probly a week or so
-i'm failing two classes (not so hard to do since i'm in all honors); one because i forgot to make up a big test in English (that i probly would've gotten an A on) that was taken when i was absent one day, and geometry because i forgot to get a Unit Test (counts more than anything except for the semester exams) signed by parents and brought in so the 88 i got on it got turned into a zero, and a zero homework grade for the same thing
-my crazy ex-girlfriend got a myspace and has tried becoming my friend and talking to me and whatnot (though i havent replied yet)
-i still miss this great girl i met over a year ago (july '06). shortly after we met she failed to show up on our first date b/c the movie tickets were sold out when she got there and i wasnt there to answer her calls due to my mom's stupidity. then 9 months later (march '07) she finally decided to call me again. we saw a few movies together and made out during them and stuff
then, about a month and a half after she called again, a lock-in thing at her friend's church (late may '07), and i havent heard anything from her since. she just stopped trying to contact me for no apparent reason AGAIN, and i've never been the same since....
-and my social life just sucks
and all that's just the basics, my life has sucked extremely hard for the past 3 years, and it just keeps getting worse and worse. (for the full story check my myspace blogs, very sad)
i could really use any help or advice anyone can offer
what's basically happening...:
-my 360 broke due to what may very well be the new RRoD
-it broke right before thanksgiving break so that's 5 days of having nothing to do
-it took a full week for my box to send it to microsoft in to arrive
-although they said i'd get it back in 3-5 weeks, i doubt it due to the box's late arrival, meaning i probly won't be getting it back in time for christmas, so anything i get for my 360 i won't even be able to use for probly a week or so
-i'm failing two classes (not so hard to do since i'm in all honors); one because i forgot to make up a big test in English (that i probly would've gotten an A on) that was taken when i was absent one day, and geometry because i forgot to get a Unit Test (counts more than anything except for the semester exams) signed by parents and brought in so the 88 i got on it got turned into a zero, and a zero homework grade for the same thing
-my crazy ex-girlfriend got a myspace and has tried becoming my friend and talking to me and whatnot (though i havent replied yet)
-i still miss this great girl i met over a year ago (july '06). shortly after we met she failed to show up on our first date b/c the movie tickets were sold out when she got there and i wasnt there to answer her calls due to my mom's stupidity. then 9 months later (march '07) she finally decided to call me again. we saw a few movies together and made out during them and stuff
-and my social life just sucks
and all that's just the basics, my life has sucked extremely hard for the past 3 years, and it just keeps getting worse and worse. (for the full story check my myspace blogs, very sad)
i could really use any help or advice anyone can offer