Largo's MK VI Build WIP

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I don't know if you have your glue problem sorted out, but I used some super glue from the local Family Dollar.


And can you tell me where you got the padding? I'm working on MK VI also and I can't find any padding that I like.
The padding came from an old beat up dirt biking helmet, I know they sell replacement kits for those, or you could get an old beat up one like I did

You can google for a store but each pad cost about 5 dollars so 20ish in total for the set.

and as for glue i have been using tacky glue it sets in about 15 seconds if its coated thin and I use some water to keep it from drying up.
Well here is today's progress, It doesn't seem like much but it took a long while, LOTS of sanding. I found that sand-able primer is the best **** ever for seeing what needs work and what is good to go.

The end result (Looks good from this angle :) )

Where I have been working

The side view, still more work to be done here, a lot more work.

And how it looks on me now
Your build is coming along nicely!

If I may offer some input...
When you attack a piece with bond for shaping and smoothing, just do one spot and work it to completion. If you start spreading bondo everywhere, you'll be working all over the place and constantly going back and forth between sections. It makes for triple the work!
It's like drawing a line from point A to point B, but instead of just drawing a simple line in one motion, you are drawing from point A to the midpoint and then from point B to the mid point and trying to join the two lines perfectly.

Take your time and work logically and methodically, trust me!

Thanks for the advice, I started that way in the beginning and had some trouble so i ended up slathering it in bondo, but very thin coats. I have been working in a mirrored fashion front to back so I don't double or tipple my work. I did not how ever coat the whole thing thick right off the bat. I cant see how people can do that to a part that is a massive time investment if its an HD pep and slaughter all that detail.

Hopefully tomorrow I get the sides done, maybe even the back, A friend is contemplating buying the supplies to make a mold from this once its done and then we can do casts of it.
I would say that looks pretty good- my first bit of pep work was done the other day and it looked quite a bit worse than that. I have already scrapped it and restarted the model. I found a different pep file that seems to work a little better as well.
the armor looks great dude! cant wait to see more updates! the shoulders do look a hair too large, but maybe its just the pictures idk< anyway looks great and cant wait for more!!
So many hours of sanding today, I learned the awesome of stepping through the grits on sand paper. I had been sanding with 150 grit paper to start and that is all. That was taking forever and I was a little discouraged on how I was going to grind down some parts on the helmet. I got a range from 80 to 800 grit paper now and I essentially started over, about 2/3 of my helmet is now sanded to shape. The thing is amazingly smooth now, and I got some help from a friend who wants a cast of it when its done.

Here are the pics from today, and the all nighter pulled.

Me working during the day

Kicking the helmet to knock off all of the dust particles.

Before the storm today

Prepping to start the all nighter, gotta sand in style

The help

Goofing around with my dog who had to hang around us all night

I got a decent forearm bondo job done

Size comparison to an XL helmet (we gutted this for some parts)

The final product after tonight's work

Its kinda funny how it looked better with the primer on it but in reality the last picture is like 10 times better than what it was yesterday. Either way Ill get more work done today and have something posted, wont be working on it at all this weekend, I have a paintball event I am attending so its break time this weekend.
looking great largo! have you thought of using an electric sander? it doesnt do much for the curves, but it makes wicked clean lines, and flat surfaces, especially on the ear boxes.
looking great largo! have you thought of using an electric sander? it doesnt do much for the curves, but it makes wicked clean lines, and flat surfaces, especially on the ear boxes.

I have a rotary tool and an oscillating tool. The rotary tool actually gets used quite a bit, I don't have the sanding head for the oscillating tool though. Even at that and pretty much sanding this whole thing down by hand now that I am going through the grits its actually not taking that long to do.

Its also been decided that all of my parts are going to get molded so I can cast them, my friend wants a set and he is about the same height as me so we will cast my parts.

Any how today we bought some spot putty and that did wonders to smoothing out parts, before we where sanding it down level and building more bondo back on.

And now for a wall of pictures

My friend sanding

LOL looks like its on fire, kinda cool looking

Moar mud work

See we use some power tools

Stopped working at like 11pm today


Now the close ups for the lack of detail(things to be fixed). The rest of it is pretty much good to go, but these areas are sketchy at best.




And now the front looks amazing after using that spot putty.

That's all for this week, I will pick it up again on Monday, I got a paintball event to attend. If any one has tips on how to make mods for casting this stuff please do link or post here because I will be molding this part a few times and the whole suit at least once.
Well im back at it, I started pepping my chest. I finally got a job so I can afford this project, the drawback is now that I have the money I don't have the time. But hey at least I wont wince at buying $100 of fiber glassing supplies and i can buy a lens for my helmet. Speaking of that, any suggestions on what type of lens to buy.

-Largo Usagi
So life got a bit hectic, I got a decent job, traveled across the world and bought a house.

But I got some more pepping done, its funny how fast 2 years go and I still have yet to finish this. Now that I got my own place I can at least have a place dedicated to working on projects like this.

But what kind of update would this be without any pictures.

An almost completed chest peice. Hopefully I can find my fiberglass supplies from the move and get this resin coated and fiber glassed next weekend. Tomarrow I will put in the final part on the back.


Your chest came out nicely. I'm using the same file and I hope mine comes out as good as yours.

To answer your question, ebay is a good place to find a visor. HERE

You could also try a local store where they sell motocross/street bike accessories. But any standard replacement visor will work. There is another way to do the visor but involves a lot of time.
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Your chest came out nicely. I'm using the same file and I hope mine comes out as good as yours.

To answer your question, ebay is a good place to find a visor. HERE

You could also try a local store where they sell motocross/street bike accessories. But any standard replacement visor will work. There is another way to do the visor but involves a lot of time.

I actually got lens mounted in my helmet and masked off right now, actually for almost a year, I need to finish gap filling around the lens and paint the thing. There is a motorcycle store near me and I was able to walk in with the helmet and was like, Im working on this I need a lens, and we found one.

After moving I realized I don't have access to a dremel any more too, so I need to go buy one of those. I got a tool kit for one but not the dremel itself.
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Glad to see you back to work, looking good!

Hey where did you get the plastic for the jaw bone of the helmet, I need to pick that up for mine.

And a picture of the finalization of todays work, got a bit of resin work done on the chest and here is the helmet as it is currently.


The helmet needs a bit more work on the front and raised surfaces, but all in all its just about done. I am getting excited because soon I will be picking out the paints for my armor.
I actually got lens mounted in my helmet and masked off right now, actually for almost a year, I need to finish gap filling around the lens and paint the thing. There is a motorcycle store near me and I was able to walk in with the helmet and was like, Im working on this I need a lens, and we found one.

After moving I realized I don't have access to a dremel any more too, so I need to go buy one of those. I got a tool kit for one but not the dremel itself.
Wow, i feel dumb. I didn't even realize that when you asked about the visor, that was a year ago. I should have paid more attention. Anyways, your making some good headway.
Wow, i feel dumb. I didn't even realize that when you asked about the visor, that was a year ago. I should have paid more attention. Anyways, your making some good headway.

Yah, that's what happens when you don't post progress for a year of an hour of work here or there.

I am going to build a hot box for fiber glassing this winter, I live in Michigan and it is starting to get cold outside, great weather to be outside but temperatures are hit and miss for working with fiberglass resin.

I need to find the cables for my printer so I can print out new shoulder pieces, the ones I made are way to big, time to re scale and rebuild, at least those only took a weekend to assemble. once that is done I will have the upper body done.
This is how you resin coat/fiberglass in cold northern weather.

I have the front of the armor now resin coated inside and out, hopefully tomorrow when I get off work It will not warp on its weight laying forward and I will be able to do the back.




Jack dagnals optional.
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