405th Game Nights

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I'll be on tonight after I run a couple thighs and shoulders...lol. Get off at 4:30 Eastern time and should be done around 7ish provide I dont have any issues, then its REACH!!! lol
Can anyone play Halo with a good connection? Yesterday I was playing with a friend and out of nowhere my connection dropped drastically. It appears as if everything is ok to everyone else and the connections show green but since yesterday its as if three people are using a lag switch at the same time. I'm lucky to even get 7 kills in a game of living dead.
bf's out of town tonight (not like he'd play with me anymore anyways... Stupid forza and BF3...) so pretty much just gonna play all night, unless I ragequit because of a retarded team, which is most likely unless there's a few 405th'ers to play with.
So please come play with me so I don't get stuck with random idiots in matchmaking... I'm tired of playing with kids and douchebags....
Come play guys!!! Nothing but retard teammates on tonight and I'm about ready to spike my controller... It's already starting to break from me spiking it... Please save my humanity... and my controller...
I would but Ive had my fair share of bad games this week. After punching my television last week I finally came to the conclusion that I hate Reach, and yet I can't stop playing it. I hope 343 can fix it, but the beta is making me even more depressed.
Tentative game night this tuesday (oct 18th) at 8pm PST. Show of hands?
I say tentative just in case something comes up for me and I can't make it, at least someone else can take me place as party leader.

Hyokenseisou (GT: Hyokenseisou)
Mitch35542 (GT: Mitch 35542)
Arioch (GT: WhiteHellMonkey)
I'm willing to join as long as their is a nice amount of 405th. But a heads up, I am decreasing my sniper use since waypoint's new app so if Spase isn't on someone else grab it.
Havent been on in a while... what new app? Ill see if I can remember to log in tuesday. As long as I remember you guys are playing Ill show up to lend my special sort of "help" lol.
Havent been on in a while... what new app? Ill see if I can remember to log in tuesday. As long as I remember you guys are playing Ill show up to lend my special sort of "help" lol.
It's called Atlas, a form of gps for Halo. Basically what it is suppose to do is show a sky view of the entire map on your windows phone 7, but it will show player movement from the game, in real time. I'll post a link to one article http://www.joystiq.com/2011/10/17/halo-waypoint-adding-atlas-a-multiplayer-gps-tracker/
we need more people to play, IZY AND PIP CAN'T BEAT THEM ALONE!

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